
Does Trader Joe’s pressure employees to talk to customers?

Every time I go in Trader Joe’s, the checkout person asks me a question of some sort. I used to think everyone there was just happy and friendly, but then I heard reports that it was more of a rule or strong encouragement that employees talk to customers. I read conflicting reports about this online and wanted to talk to someone who’d worked at Trader Joe’s, to see if she could shed some light on this. I talk to Twiggy, who has a YouTube channel and who makes custom dolls (

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The charlatan Chase Hughes featured on shows “Diary of a CEO,” Patrick Bet-David, others

The fraud Chase Hughes, whose major lies and unethical behaviors I’ve examined in past episodes (first episode and its text summary) continues to succeed in getting popular podcasts with large audiences to interview and promote him. Chase recently appeared on the podcast The Diary of a CEO with host Steven Bartlett; he also appeared on Patrick Bet-David’s podcast (PBD podcast). He’s also been on Dr. Phil’s show, and on Leon Hendrix’s podcast DRVN. I examine some clips from Chase’s appearances on two of these shows, as a public service announcement to the millions of people who might be at risk of becoming Chase Hughes’ fans. I recap some of the absurd claims Chase has made. I talk about why I think these podcasts keep interviewing him, and what it tells us about the internet information ecosystem. I examine an early podcast interview where the host told me for Chase’s bio he just wrote what Chase said and didn’t vet it, which is what many of these podcasts have done. More podcast appearances; more seeming legitimacy.

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Note: This transcript is rough; it doesn’t include various off-the-cuff discussions I went into, but contains the main points. 

This is the People Who Read People podcast, with me, Zach Elwood. This is a podcast about psychology and behavior; about understanding the things people say and do. You can learn more about it 

This is a PSA about Chase Hughes, because he’s continued being successful getting on popular podcasts despite his many, many lies and unethical behaviors. If you learned about Chase Hughes through the popular podcasts Diary of a CEO or Patrick Bet David’s podcast, or somewhere else, you should know that Chase Hughes is a fraud, a serial liar; someone who cannot be trusted. 

I do not use these words lightly at all; I use those words knowing that if I used them wrongly I might be sued by Chase for defamation. But it is just quite obvious that Chase Hughes has lied about all manner of things in his past, in ways that rise to the pathological and maybe even criminal – depending on if people who paid him under false pretenses wanted to pursue legal action. I call Chase a serial liar and a fraud because I know that if it ever came to a trial, I know any jury or judge looking at all this stuff, the evidence I’ve presented and also the many pieces of evidence that would be waiting to be presented — for example, from people who know and who have worked with Chase personally who have contacted me to tell me assorted details about his life – I know that any reasonable and fair person in a legal setting would come to the conclusion “yes, you are right to call Chase Hughes a serial liar and a fraud.” For that reason I’m confident that Chase will never sue me, nor would he be likely to even talk publicly about the things I’ve discussed here because they are so incredibly damning to him and he knows that. Same reason why his Behavior Panel friends will avoid these things as much as they are able. I mean, a lot of people have skeletons in their closet; Chase’s closet is like an industrial sized mausoleum. 

This is why Chase will never be on a mainstream serious program that requires any real vetting; he will be restrained to these various podcasts which, although they may be popular, obviously don’t much care about who their guests are and that seem to not give a shit about the stuff they put in front of their audience. 

To give you an example of what I mean when I say people are being duped in bad ways: someone contacted me thanking me for my first video on Chase Hughes because they had been drawn into Chase’s web and were considering paying Chase $20,000 for his so-called “graduate course.” I’ve been told 

Every few days I get emails from people thanking me for my work on this because they were starting to go down the Chase Hughes rabbithole. One person recently wrote me that they were worried about their child, who’d been drawn into Chase’s web alongside other magical thinking stuff, like the Law of Attraction, and despite not having much money their kid was considering spending a large amount for one of Chase’s products. 

Just to say: there is ongoing, real world harm being done so this is why I will keep doing this stuff. Maybe some of the people who pay Chase Hughes large sums of money are aware of the things I’ve brought to light, but I would hazard that at least some of them are not and would be surprised to know some of these things. 

Trust me when I say: I have much more interesting things I’d rather be working on. Probably much more important things, considering I have a lot of projects I’m trying to get to in the political polarization space. Even for the podcast, I have other things I want to focus on; I have a long list of guest and topics ideas. I’m honestly pretty frustrated that no one else has covered this and things have gotten this far. It shouldn’t have come to me to do this stuff. But that’s where we’re at; that’s the current state of the online content and information ecosystem, basically. So until some news outlet or someone with a large audience covers this Chase Hughes thing, and I think they will eventually, I’ll keep doing this; if you know of a show or journalist who might be interested in the fact that a fraud keeps getting attention from people like Dr. Phil and these popular podcasts, have them reach out; or just encourage them to cover it. I don’t want to be covering this but I feel like someone needs to; please, someone else help me out here. Chase isn’t real-world famous and is just internet famous but I think it’s still an interesting and newsworthy story, and may continue to get weirder and more interesting. 

If you want to learn more about Chase’s lies, or if you’re maybe skeptical about my claims, go check out the investigation I did into Chase’s past; you can find a video about that on youtube but that’s a rather long video that goes into detail about the ways that I investigated him; my goal was to help people do their own research when they suspect they’ve run into a charlatan. If you want the summary, see the first episode about Chase on my website and it has a written summary. 

But long story short, to see the absurdity of it in a nutshell, Chase went from writing a childish pick-up artist book in 2007; here’s his pic and bio from his pick-up artist book – looks like he was doing some big things in the military at that time, don’t you think?  To then hawking his own shady and bullshit vitamin supplements online in 2008, making all sorts of grand claims about how they were used by all branches of the military and such. And then only five years after that he set up his website where he claimed to be a behavior expert. where he could teach you all sorts of things, like

Top mistakes Law Enforcement Officers Make 

Advanced Detection of Microexpressions

Foundation of Non-Verbal Behavior 

Absolute Importance of Pupillary Dilation and Nostrils

Setting up Human Behavior Baselines

Class Exercise to Commit Knowledge to Memory

Reading Body Parts 

And so on. 

Only two years after that, he claimed to be an internationally renowned expert in behavior analysis, in jury consulting, in all sorts of things.  He writes that he:

has been involved with nonverbal research and innovation for nearly 12 years. The author of three books and reference volumes and over 13 articles covering topics from cult brainwashing to the use of clandestine hypnosis techniques in interrogations. 

Currently on active duty in the United States Navy; he has been teaching, researching and coaching in body language, nonverbal communication and deception detection during his entire career. His published works on cult victim deprogramming and neurology-based hypnosis have changed the way many forensic and psychiatric practitioners conduct business. 

Chase now lives in Little Creek, Virginia and has worked with  training and coaching interrogators, HR teams and law enforcement. His behavioral analysis of political debates and televised crime testimonies have become the new benchmark for over 29 United States media outlets. 

The Weaponized Communication Manual has gained a lot of media attention. The new manual, to be released in early 2015, contains the most advanced and comprehensive training and reference system in the world. The book focuses on the use of advanced psychology tactics, interrogation methods, profiling and exploiting human weakness and using neurology-based hypnosis to engineer human behavior.

As a recognized jury consultant, Chase has become a specialist in training legal teams to recognize and analyze body signals; from the way a shoe is laced to the inadvertent parting of the lips during questioning. 

You get the idea. He made all these grandiose claims despite nothing on the internet about Chase at that time or for almost all of the 2010s. Again, it doesn’t take advanced research experience or knowledge to see the patterns of immense deception and exaggerations in Chase’s life. The only really surprising thing about it is how many people he’s gotten to just go along with this stuff and turn a blind eye to it. The irony is that the Behavior Panel itself, which claims to help people spot deception and avoid narcissists and antisocial personalities and such, they’ve been instrumental in helping promote Chase’s bullshit and lies to many, many people. I believe they themselves were taken off guard by all this and now can’t easily turn back. 

Again, the main point of me doing this video is to raise awareness. If you’ve watched this video thus far, I’ve already done my job as you are I think much less likely to pay Chase Hughes money under false pretenses – and I hope you also may be more skeptical of pretty much anyline you see online, because Chase is a good example of what you can accomplish if you have no qualms about lying in order to quote “succeed” – and he’s also a good example of how little these popular shows seem to care about vetting guests. If Chase had approached me about doing an interview before I knew him, I would have taken five minutes and came to the conclusion that he was full of shit; there are just so many obvious red flags for anyone who cares to do a simple vetting. But so much of this boils down to perceptions; getting on a smaller podcast leads to getting on a medium-sized podcast; getting on a medium-sized podcast leads to getting on a larger podcast, and so on. Some of these popular podcast creators really do think only as far “Hey, another podcast that seems legit said he was legit; all these people interviewing him can’t be wrong, can they?” But yes, many people can be wrong; the simple fact is that people aren’t good at *** dealing with people who lie as much as Chase. Who lie at such an extreme and pathological level; we trust too much. And then people are afraid to call him out, even when they see these things, because they thnk “Maybe I’m missing something; all these big podcasts are having him on, right? He’s on the popular Behavior Panel show, right? Maybe I’m missing something.” The only thing you’re missing is how easy it is to fool people. 

So let’s look at Chase’s appearances on these shows. 

He was on the Diary of a CEO podcast a few weeks ago. I wasn’t familiar with this one but apparently it’s one of the more popular ones. This one has 1.4 million views and was released 3 weeks ago. And you have to remember; that’s just youtube; I would guess across all platforms and such there are at least another million views for this, probably more. Steven Bartlett, the host of this podcast, is really helping Chase find new fans. Steven Bartlett is a huge promoter of Chase Hughes, let the record show. 

Let’s watch a little of the intro where Steven asks Chase about his credentials. 4:17

Again, there is no evidence that Chase Hughes has done anything impressive from a psychological perspective as part of his work in the military. From what people who know Chase have told me, he worked mainly on ships; he ended up being a Quarter Master, which is a military officer who manages logistics, supplies, and equipment. 

I’d ask anyone to present me evidence that Chase has done any training for any large military branch or department. I don’t think that can be done. Now I think it’s possible that Chase’s success in the last few years with the Behavior Panel and his various podcast interviews, may have led to some success in these areas; have given him experiences that he can then speak subjectively and deceptively about to imply that those things had some connection with his time in the military. 

For example, I noticed that this National Maritime Law Enforcement Academy (NMLEA) place shared some work by Chase Hughes on their site a while back. In 2018, Chase and a guy named Mark Dupont,  who is the Executive Director of NMLEA, apparently collaborated on an article. My guess is that Chase persuaded some people there that he was legit, or maybe he had a friend there, and they went along with him helping them. My guess is that they now regret this; when I emailed Mark directly and the organization asking about the nature of Chase’s involvement and pointing them to his many lies, they didn’t reply. 

I also think it’s possible some individuals in the military approach him for personal coaching and such. That would be likely actually, given Chase’s fame. That would then give Chase the ability to say “I’ve trained Navy SEALs” and this kind of thing.

This is just to say: Chase has become popular in the last few years; things actually come up now when you google his name, unlike in the many years prior! He’s got SEO! His recent upswing in fame means he can present a surface level case that he’s legitimate; he has clients; he has done trainings! But he will use ambiguous and vague language to obscure that such things have nothing to do with his military service. Another way to put this is that I would bet a large sum of money that Chase has never done anything impressive in terms of largescale training on psychological or psy-ops or brainwashing or interrogation or anything related to such things – of a major government department or office, as I think any serious department would vet him. This has been what people who know Chase personally and people who’ve worked with him, have told me, and it is what seems to be the case based on perusing online evidence. 

Again, Chase has many podcast interviews but he doesn’t even have a Wikipedia. Nor would he be able to have a Wikipedia because it would just be references to podcast interviews; having a Wikipedia would be the last thing Chase wants. Actually, if anyone watching this wants to create a wikipedia for this guy and reference my work, I think you’d be doing the world a service. It would be a harm-reducing contribution. 

We don’t need to watch more of the Diary of a CEO video; you get the idea. Once you understand that Chase has no compunction lying and using vague language about all sorts of things, a lot of it is just that. 

Let’s watch a couple clips from this Patrick Bet David podcast, aka the PBD podcast. This is another podcast that is popular that I’d never heard of. 

Note the paranoid approach to the title: “The Government Manipulates YOU!” – Chase Hughes UNCOVERS CIA Tactics & PSYOPs Truths”

This video has more than 350,000 views, but this is just one of many videos this podcast has released on Chase and it’s just one platform. They released a slew of shorter clips on specific topics, really doing their best to promote Chase. Patrick Bet David is a huge promoter of Chase Hughes, let the record show. This one 20 minute segment on Chase’s supposed ability to spot psychopaths instantly has 1.2 million views ( Again, this podcast was released just a week ago. 

The description here of Patrick’s video reads “Chase Hughes, a world-renowned expert in behavioral profiling and military intelligence.” Again, no, there is no evidence for that other than claiming to be so and getting other people to believe it is so. All these podcast descriptions say something different about Chase, too, kind of funny; it’s like a game of telephone. 

This kind of thing helps explain why people like having Chase Hughes on. Words like ‘psy ops’ and ‘government’ and ‘manipulate’ and ‘interrogation’ and ‘CIA’ and ‘brainwashing’ and ‘psycopath’ these kinds of things are exciting; people love drama, they love dirty underhanded deeds; they love conspiracy-minded thinking; these things get clicks; the algorithm treats them nicely I think. This helps explain why people like Steven Bartlett and Patrick Bet David have some incentives to not ask questions about people like Chase; he’s selling something exciting, something that will get clicks; and he’s been on other shows. There is just such an insatiable demand for constant content that will get clicks; this is part of the problem of the media system at large, and how it can derange and divide us. We need to fill space, so what kind of half-baked sensationalist, emotional bullshit are we going to put out there? 

Let’s watch a couple minutes. I’ve seen like the first minute but after that this is the first time I’m watching it. We’ll just watch a little. 


Starts out with a bang: “We’re always involved in psy-ops, all the time. MK Ultra was the beginning of a psychological arms race.” Just really leading with the highest-bullshit. Again, what I’m telling you is that Chase is in no position to tell you about psy-ops; he’s in no position to know if the government is using psy-ops or not; he will just imply that he has that experience. I’ve actually been trying to find someone to come on to the show who has actual knowledge of psy-ops and MK Ultra stuff; I’ve been in contact with people who’ve worked in those areas privately who know Chase is full of shit on such things but it’s just a matter of not having the bandwidth, or not wanting to get involved in the drama. But just to say: there’s a reason you won’t find people with actual military intelligence credentials talking the way Chase talks. I’ll talk more about highly paranoid views about psy-ops and such a little later. 

Note on Psychopath: This gets into why some of this behavior bullshit that Chase and others spread can be so bad in real world terms: I see so many people using halfbaked and ambiguous concepts they’ve learned on the Behavior Panel and other places to make really bad, stupid reads of people. When I looked at the Behavior Panel fan group, it was full of people hating on various celebrities and politicians based on some random ambiguous and in my opinion meaningless piece of behavior. But that’s what all this bullshit information about behavior and psychology does: the high confidence bullshit like Chase peddles in results in many people believing “I can do that!” and believing they can take minor, meaningless, high variance behaviors and use those to reach firm deductions, so they’re just using bad information and noise to bolster their prejudices and biases, while thinking they’re smart. 

Just a heads up: when you see people claiming they can teach you to do anything quickly and easily, whether it’s reading signs of a psychopath or whatever it is, making money easily; your alarm bells should go up. 

Jury consultant: Is Chase a trial consultant? He’s been claiming he was a “recognized jury consultant” since at least 2014. I know a pretty well known jury consultant and I sent her a message asking her what she thought about Chase’s claims. She wrote me back:

That’s bizarre.  I’ve never heard of the guy.  There’s no state licensing or regulatory body for trial consultants – anyone can call themselves one.  I guess the only way to debunk it would be to ask what cases he worked on, and then check with the lawyers who handled the matter.   He definitely isn’t “well respected” in the field.  The American Society of Trial Consultants (ASTC) is the biggest professional organization for our field and everyone who is anyone is involved.  I don’t see that he’s a member.

Again, stay skeptical, folks. Anyone can claim to be anything. And often, if they claim it long enough, people will start to believe it. If you’ve hired Chase Hughes as a jury consultant, you may be entitled to compensation. Contact the law offices of Zachary Elwood: I’ve been a respected prosecutor since 2012: the amazing thing is I’ve never lost a case! Not many people can say that.  

Maybe an interesting aside, I was reaching out to some of the podcasts Chase appeared on several years ago, when he was still quite unknown. Basically these were the podcasts that Chase could then use to bolster perceptions that he was an expert. There’s a podcast called Tactical Behavioral Science, hosted by Steve Kuhn. This was an early example of someone just trusting that Chase was an expert. The description for that video reads in part: 

“The leading military and intelligence behavior expert with 20 years of creating the most advanced behavior skills courses and tactics available worldwide: Chase Hughes is a leading behavior expert in the United States and the #1 bestselling author of two books on tactical behavior skills. He is the author of the worldwide #1 bestselling book on advanced persuasion, influence and behavior profiling. Chase teaches elite groups, government agencies, and police in behavior science skills including behavior profiling, nonverbal analysis, deception detection, interrogation, and advanced behavioral investigation. His Tactical Behavior Science course is a critical, life-saving course designed for law enforcement, and his Human Tradecraft course is specifically designed for intelligence operations personnel who depend heavily on serious human behavior skills. Chase developed the groundbreaking, world-first interrogation behavior analysis tool and the T.F.C.A. cycle that revolutionized law enforcement training in the U.S. He is also the creator of the Pre-Violence Indicators Index, designed to alert personnel to pre-attack behaviors and save lives.”

When I emailed Steve about this and showed him my findings about Chase’s many lies, he wrote me back the following:

I met Chase while he was in the military, I advised him on marketing and getting himself out there and ge attributed his Entrepreneur magazine cover to my advisory.

I never met him personally and did all of our sessions on zoom.

I took his word at face value and cannot confirm nor refute any claims.

That opened up another interesting thing. What Entrepreneur magazine cover was he talking about? This was a reference to a program that Entrepreneur magazine once had called Oracles, where they would write things that seemed like real articles but that were paid and promotional. Here’s Chase’s from 2019: This is just one of many things Chase did to make it seem, at a quick google search, that he had legitimate and impressive credentials. I go into detail on more of those things in the first video. There are plenty of pay to be featured websites, basically.   

In 2019, Chase posted this image to his Facebook It’s not clear to me if that is a graphic Entrepreneur made or something Chase made, but long story short, there is no Entrepreneur magazine cover story with Chase Hughes, as Steve Kuhn seemed to think.  

I think this gets to the heart of so much of this stuff. People are just trusting. The psychology researcher Tim Levine has a theory called Truth Default Theory and writes about deception and how we fall for deception. We just assume people are telling the truth, for the most part; and this is a pretty good approach in most cases. It mainly fails when we run into people like Chase who tell so many lies and when our reasons to doubt them aren’t tripped. We trust that a big podcast like Diary of a CEO would do some vetting; we trust that they wouldn’t have on a serial liar onto their show. I interviewed him about this a couple years ago; it was one of the more interesting and practically useful episodes I think I’ve done. If you’re interested in deception and in understanding behavior, I think you’d like it.

Let’s get back to Patrick Bet David’s video, the one titled “”The Government Manipulates YOU!” – Chase Hughes UNCOVERS CIA Tactics & PSYOPs Truths.” This is aligning with the conspiracy-minded thinking that Chase spread recently; where he spread the idea that the New Jersey drones were maybe a government psy-op, with the government purposefully fucking with us for some mysterious, creepy reason. That video has gotten about 3 million views on youtube at this point In that video, Chase used his pretend credentials to drum up fear, as he does in this Patrick Bet David video. He references all sorts of things from the past to create this fear; he references old stupid plots hatched by people during MK Ultra times; covert op ideas that had reached a peak of absurdity in the highly emotional Cold War times after WW 2. Nevermind that the things Chase brings up don’t seem to have any bearing on anything recently. 

Nevermind that Chase can’t point to anything recently that would resemble anything like a government trying to fuck with its citizens in such a silly way. It’s part of Chase’s brand to make you think extremely crazy and creepy and dark things are happening all around us; if he can make you believe that, his claims about all the amazing and dark and weird things he’s done will seem more credible to you.  

I’d say: if you’re curious about some of the MK Ultra things Chase likes to exaggerate and make seem like big amazing deals, go read a respected book on MK Ultra. The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. Don’t listen to Chase about it. The truth is, similar to the UFO world, there are just so many people willing to exaggerate about what’s possible when it comes to hypnotizing people, or brainwashing and influencing people, or military psy-ops or other kinds of scary stuff. 

You should stay skeptical, for your own mental wellbeing and also because these are things that can distort your view of the world. If you’d like to read something I wrote for my book on political polarization on the topic of conspiracy theories, and how unlikely big hidden plots are, check out I think it’s important to be skeptical about such things and to view them realistically, because there are many paranoid, overly pessimistic narratives on the left and right, across political beliefs, and these things then can amplify our fear of each other and hatred of each other in ways that are completely unreasonable and make all sorts of things worse. Too many people are just way too paranoid about too many things lately; you owe it to yourself to question if you’re falling pray to overly pessimistic and paranoid thinking. You’re the only one who can enquire about such things and reach that conclusion; I’m just proposing that it’s good to ask if you’re maybe letting your biases and fears and things you think are true influence what you believe, which then feeds back in to support the things you already believe, in a self-reinforcing cycle. Try to apply Occam’s Razor; often the simplest explanations will make the most sense and will suffice. If you don’t have good reason to believe something, don’t believe it, even if you think it could be true, or if you think “that makes sense that would be true.” So many people are using their various angers and suspicions of various sorts to justify believing in all sorts of things; but I’m just suggesting that your emotions and fears can make you prone to believing bullshit, and even believing stuff that’s self-destructive to you and your relationships and ability to succeed in the world. The lower your bar gets for believing and indulging and sharing such information and beliefs, the worse off you’ll be. I’m just trying to help you and to try to work against the people like Chase Hughes who want to indulge your temptations to filter for pessimistic and dark and paranoid interpretations; again, Chase Hughes is not an expert; you should not listen to him. 

A common objection I get from Chase Hughes fans who write me goes basically like: But I’ve learned a lot from Chase; he shares some good information. If you’d like a longer rebuttal to that, check out my video about Chase Hughes and NLP, which goes into why so many people will leave good reviews for Chase and other people who share bad information and are exploitative. 

But long story short: Yes, Chase shares some good information. Anyone can read Wikipedia and share some interesting tidbits; Chase talks about the Milgram Experiment in that talk with Patrick Bet David; but the things he shared anyone could share after reading a bit about the experiment. The truth is that Charles Manson could give you some interesting tidbits and you’d learned some stuff. If Charles Manson hosted a podcast, we could learn a lot from him. Please on’t take that last sentence out of context, by the way. What I’m saying is that learning stuff from people is a really low bar. The much more important question is what completely bad and misleading and even harmful information might you be consuming from that person? Will you be able to spot the bad information and tell where the good information ends and the bad, harmful information begins? For someone like Chase who has told so many lies and done so many unethical things, the important question is: why would you even want to listen to someone like that? Go read a respected resource; or even just read Wikipedia; the standards for truth are clearly much higher on Wikipedia than they are in Chase’s brain. 

The other important question is: Will you be able to resist the exploitation when it comes? Will you be able to spot the exploitation? When Charles Manson is teaching you about MK Ultra and you’re learning a lot, and he says “well, sign up for my free course to learn a little more” will you be able to resist entering the funnel? Will you know when the funnel gets weird and dangerous? Or maybe just very expensive considering the weak and bad information you’ll be getting. 

No matter how educational Charles Manson’s podcast may be, there’s a chance he may have an ulterior motive. 

Now to be clear, I’m not saying Chase Hughes is like Charles Manson; I don’t know of anyone in his inner circle Chase has instructed to kill, for one thing. I’m just making a point about learning stuff being a completely trivial and low bar. I’m saying that it’s important to have a sense that where you get your information from is at least trying to respect you and respect the truth. Everyone makes mistakes, but few people tell massive lies about their experiences and credentials. 

Those are the important questions. 

Another objection I get from Chase Hughes’ fans or people who really want to believe his psy-ops claims because it aligns with their fears and views: they will say “Who are you? What’s your credentials?” My credentials aren’t important. I’m not the one making extraordinary claims about my expertise and and about what’s going on in the world. I’m the one just showing you why you need to ask more questions and be more skeptical. I’m just the one doing some very basic research that anyone could do to show you why you shouldn’t trust Chase Hughes and why you should in general avoid trusting people who make extraordinary, amazing claims. I’m the one arguing for more skepticism and doubt; my credentials aren’t important.

If I’ve gotten you to be a bit more skeptical about smooth talking people who make exceptional claims like Chase, I’ve done you a service, regardless if you agree with all my stances or not.  

All right, good luck out there. If Joe Rogan or Oprah Winfrey or the Today Show interviews Chase, I guess I’ll make another one of these but hopefully Chase has hit the peak of his scam curve and it starts trending a little downhill from here on out. 

This has been the People Who Read People podcast with me, Zach Elwood. Thanks for listening. 


Elon Musk’s polarization: Examining his contemptuous approaches to political disagreement

In June of 2024, I got an op-ed published in about Elon Musk’s polarization — specifically his affective polarization, which refers to how he perceives and treats his political opponents. Like many people in our highly polarized, angry society, Elon Musk treats the “other side” with much contempt and disdain. You can often find him insulting and demeaning people on his social media platform, as well as claiming to know with high certainty the hidden, malicious motives in his opponents’ minds. This episode includes a reading of my op-ed and some additional content. Topics discussed include: How conflict leads more and more people to behave in high-contempt ways; how high-contempt approaches amplify the conflict; why high-contempt approaches are self-defeating for one’s own goals and activism; how we can criticize “our side” to encourage better ways of engaging.

To learn more about my polarization work, see or sign up for my newsletter here.

A transcript is below.

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Resources mentioned or related to this episode:


Welcome to the People Who Read People podcast with me, Zachary Elwood. This is a podcast aimed at better understanding the people around us: the things they do, the things they say. Their psychology and behavior. You can learn more about it at As you might already know, I often focus on topics related to conflict and polarization; I’m the author of a couple books aimed at helping people understand and reduce toxic polarization – and these days I work full-time on the problem, between my own work and working with a non-profit organization. 

Since Trump’s election in November of 2024, Elon Musk has been getting a lot of attention so I thought it’d be worth sharing some thoughts about Elon’s polarization — specifically his affective polarization; that’s affective, spelled ‘affect’, which is not referring to swings in beliefs or stances, but referring to how people view the quote “other side”. When people talk about the problem of polarization, they’re largely talking about the highly contemptuous and pessimistic ways in which Elon and others view their political opponents and the contemptuous ways they engage with those they see as their political opponents. 

For quite a while, you can often find Mr. Elon Musk sharing very emotional and contemptuous takes on Twitter about all manner of incidents and events. For example, he often speaks as if it’s a certainty that Democrats want lax immigration laws to win elections; as if he can read minds; and that’s what people often do in conflict; you can find similar mind-readers on the left about Trump and other Republicans; about their dastardly, evil, hidden motivations for all sorts of stances. This is how you wind up with people expressing the utmost certitude that Laura Ingraham definitely performed a Nazi salute at the Republican convention despite there being no good evidence of that and even fact-checking sites saying that was unlikely ( We just know what’s in their hearts, after all. With great conflict comes great mind reading abilities. 

You can also find Elon regularly being factchecked by his own platforms community notes. Here’s a recent one where he shared a tweet by an account titled “Anti-left Memes” that read “I’m extremely worried about Germany” and referenced a headline that read “Pro-pedophile activist group celebrates as Germany decriminalizes child porn possession.” The community correction noted that “This is incorrect. The minimum sentences were reduced to allow courts flexibility. Before the change parents or teachers who reported child pornography would still have to be charged with posession and faced jailtime, which made no sense.” End quote. 

You can often find Elon behaving in these emotionally motivated ways; so much emotion. He also doesn’t seem to care about correcting mistakes; the ends, after all, justify the means when you view yourself as in a serious life and death battle. You won’t find him, for example, following up to that tweet of his saying “Oh, sorry, I got that wrong; here’s some more nuance about it.” No, to admit one was wrong or got carried away is weakness; you must always be waging the good vs evil, highly righteous fight. To hell with whoever criticizes such highly emotional and unreasonable approaches to our political battles; those people clearly don’t fucking get it; they must be clueless, or be enemies themselves.

Elon: “Go fuck yourselves” ( 

In June of 2024 I got an op-ed about Elon Musk’s polarization published in The My motivation to get that op-ed out was related to some frustration about how little people talk about how conflict and polarization play out in society; there is often, for people like Musk or other well known people engaged in the political and cultural wars, a tendency for us to focus on beliefs, and not on the much more important dimension, in my opinion, of how they engage with those they disagree with. 

Clearly Musk isn’t the only person who engages with high contempt with people he disagrees with; that is unfortunately par for the course these days for many; that is what conflict leads many of us to do. 

As I mention in this op-ed I’ll read to you, when I or others criticize Musk for such things, there will be a reaction from people who agree with Musk that I am attacking his beliefs. This is because we, as a society, simply lack a good language for not separating how we engage from what we believe. We conflate them. This, among other reasons, is why I think we, as a culture and as a species, are just fundamentally, deeply ignorant about conflict dynamics. We too often conflate beliefs with how we engage; we fail to see that how we engage, how we disagree, is an entirely different dimension from our disagreements over issues — in my opinion, it’s a much more important dimension. Because we’ll just always disagree about all sorts of morally charged questions; that’s a given. 

One way to see what I mean: recently someone who largely agrees with Elon Musk’s stances wrote to me on Twitter, basically saying “Elon’s driven himself crazy; It surprises me that more people don’t talk about that.” This person talked about how we should be able to agree with people’s stances while seeing that their minds have been addled by conflict and us vs them thinking and contempt. I wish that were the case, but the truth is that we have a really hard time distinguishing such things; we’ll make excuses for people on “our side” or tell ourselves the battle is too important to level criticisms at people on “our side,” these kinds of things. Or we’ll just be too anxious to level such criticisms. 

Elon Musk would probably take offense to these criticisms. But the interesting thing is that I think these are criticisms that would help him be more effective. I think the high-contempt approaches Elon takes are self-defeating, just as all contemptuous approaches generally are. They help create the very pushback that bothers them. That’s what conflict leads us to do. We may even know or suspect that our high-contempt 

There is a tendency to think that the contemptuous, aggressive ways are helpful. That that is how “we win.” Elon and Trump and others may see Trump’s election, no matter it being very close, as proof that aggressive, contemptuous ways are necessary; that such approaches win. But the election was close: Harris got 48.3% of popular vote, Trump got 49.8%; that’s what I’m seeing now. And it’s easy to imagine if the Democrat candidate were more popular Trump would have lost. These are close numbers. It’s like 2 million people. It may be a decisive victory but it’s not in my opinion or in many other people’s view a landslide. If you think it’s a landslide, I’d ask you to consider how you’d feel about it if the winner was reversed; would you still feel it was a landslide? Or wuld you look for other framings to downplay how significant a loss it was? My only point is to say it was quite close, as most of our elections have been recently, no matter the winner. 

If Trump had lost, would Elon and Trump and others think “huh, maybe we should try a different, less contemptuous approach?” No, because that is seldom how people feel when they feel they’re engaged in a serious battle. Many would reach the conclusion; we’ve got to fight harder, more aggressively; we need to persuade others of how horrible our opponents are at heart; how malicious their motivations are. That is the conclusions many Democrats and anti-Trump people reaach; we have to be more like Trump, many say; we have to be more vicious. And you can find Republicans saying the same thing: we have to be more ruthless, more like Democrats. Conflict always leads us to find justifications to ramp up the contempt and aggression. 

Let’s say Republicans lose in 2028, and many of their policies are rolled back. Do you think that’d be an occasion that would lead Republicans to think: maybe if we weren’t so contemptuous, we’d be more persuasive and actually win more? Is it possible Trump’s aggressive, contemtpuous style of politics is actually hurting us? Could we actually win more votes with more persuasive, respectful dialogue? No, many would simply think “We’ve got to fight harder, and be more ruthless.” 

People on both sides fail to see how their high-contempt approaches are often self-defeating. They fail to see that they catch more flies with honey than with hate. They fail to see that such approaches end up creating pushback to your stances, making the quote “other side” more extreme and committed — and also, it can mean that, if and when you lose power (as you often will) you’ll find that the animosity and pushback in society that you’ve helped create then results in many of your wins being shortlived, with the seesaw fluctuating the other way.  

When I interviewed psychologist Matthew Hornsey, who’s studied group psychology and persuasion across group boundaries, something he said stuck with me. He said, and I quote:

That’s another thing I’ve had to let go of, is that I always thought that when people were arguing about ideas, they were trying to persuade the other group. And then it took me a while to realize that actually that’s not true either. Because if they actually thought they were trying to persuade the group, they’d do it differently. I think often what they’re doing is that they’re just enjoying the tribalism and they’re enjoying marinating in their own kind of virtuousness and they’re enjoying signaling to their own side their credentials as an in-group member.

End quote. 

Okay next I’ll read you the op-ed I wrote for The Hill. The op-ed has various links to resources to back up and reference some of my points, so if you want to see the op-ed for that reason, I’ll put a link to it on my site in the entry for this episode. Along with some other related resources. 

The op-ed was titled “Elon Musk is making political debate more toxic — here’s how to change course.” For what it’s worth, I actually didn’t like that title; that was chosen by the editors. Sometimes you have to choose your battles. Okay I’m going to read the op-ed now. 

[The op-ed is here.]


“Gimbal” UFO video and other famous videos explained in new documentary

Brian Dunning, creator of the Skeptoid podcast, has a documentary out that brings a skeptical, analytical eye to the recent UFO craze – including those three famous UFO videos that got a lot of attention in a 2017 New York Times article. His documentary has the tongue-in-cheek title “The UFO Movie They Don’t Want You To See.” You can find it at I think more people need to see Brian’s movie; it explained a lot and now I feel like I finally understand those videos. It’s been surprising how little attention the more rational, analytical explanations for those videos have gotten. If you’re someone who’s seen those videos and thought “What the hell is going on?” I think you’ll want to watch Brian’s movie. In this short episode I focus on one specific explanation for one of the videos in question.

Episode links:

Related resources:


This is the People Who Read People podcast, with me, Zach Elwood. This is a podcast aimed at examining and better understanding human psychology and behavior. You can learn more about it and subscribe to the podcast on various channels at 

In this episode I’m going to talk about those mysterious UFO videos that were released by the Pentagon in 2017 and that came to prominence via coverage in the New York Times. I’m going to focus on one of them, the video titled ‘Gimbal’ which featured a seemingly strange vehicle flying at fast speeds and seeming to rotate in strange ways. 

And just a note that if you’re listening to this on audio, this is heavily video focused so you’ll probably prefer to watch the video version on youtube. It will be okay on audio, as I try to explain things, but video would be better. 

In 2023, I interviewed Brian Dunning, who has run the Skeptoid podcast since 2006, examining all sorts of topics with skepticism and critical thinking. As Brian said when i interviewed him, he doesn’t like the term “debunking” to describe what he does, but he has debunked a lot of bad information. I first learned of him when I got interested in the Erin Brokovich case and read his examination of the many mistruths about that case that were contained in the well-known Julia Roberts movie. 

Long story short: we are surrounded by bullshit these days. We’ve got the internet and social media, which is just a huge source of bullshit. We’ve got podcasters and influencers who don’t care if they share all sorts of bullshit and bad information with their audience as long as it gets clicks and makes money. We’ve got fictionalized movies loosely based on real events and biased documentaries, and many people trusting that these movies contain real and trustworthy information. Then we’ve got a political polarization problem, which results in many people tending to engage in emotional, team-based thinking, which makes them propagators of bullshit and bad information without knowing it. 

And I think Brian Dunning has done some great work helping people navigate all this bullshit. He’s helped me navigate it. I highly recommend signing up to his newsletter, which you can find at And I recommend you do a paid subscription; honestly, whatever Brian is making, I think he deserves more money; he’s just done great and important work over the years. 

So recently I watched Brian’s UFO documentary, which is titled The UFO Movie They Don’t Want You To See. That’s a tongue in cheek title; just a funny nod by Brian to conspiracy-minded thinking. You can watch the movie on Amazon or with ads on YouTube. You can learn more about it at

Long story short: if you want to understand those mysterious videos released by the military back in 2017, which got so much attention in the New York Times ( and other places, you need to watch Brian’s documentary. It helped explained so much of the mystery there for me, because I did, like a lot of people, find those videos so mysterious. I had a hard time imagining what the explanations could be, based on what i’d seen. So I’m going to share some snippets from Brian’s documentary to give you a little glimpse of some of the explanations, but really you need to go watch the whole thing. 

So let’s start with this video; the so-called ‘gimbal’ video, which was taken by Navy pilots and was written about in a 2017 New York Times article titled Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program. Let’s watch some of that. 


Pretty wild looking. If you’re anything like me, you watched that and went “what the hell?” and were very impressed. It’s not just the video itself, but the pilots’ clear shock and confusion at what they’re seeing that really sells it. 

Now let’s watch a clip from the UFO Movie They Don’t Want You To See. This is a clip from about an hour in where Brian is talking to a researcher named Mick West about how that object could represent either something very close to the camera or something very far away. 


Let’s stop it there and discuss this, as it goes by rather quickly and the video is counterintuitive. And so much of these explanations come back to the deceptive nature of video. As a video/film major myself, I’m very much aware of how much video footage can be deceptive; people tend to think and say things about how “video doesn’t lie” – but video can actually really distort our perceptions. Sometimes there are multiple explanations and factors involved in why a video seems to us the way it does. A video can lie; or at least, our instinctual interpretation of what a video shows can be very, very wrong. 

So as you’re watching this video, instead of thinking about it as something up close, imagine it as something fixed, in the distance. Something on the horizon. Such an object would stay in the same place on the screen. As Mick West says, it could either be something close and moving fast, or something far and not moving at all. 

Now, you may be thinking; but it’s staying the same size; that means it must be an object traveling near us. If it were something far away, it would be smaller or getting smaller if it was receding. The fact that it stays the same size supports our instinctual interpretation that it’s an object somewhat near the camera, moving at high speed. But Mick says it’s not an object we’re seeing; it’s likely an glare of infrared light, and a glare can be quite large. So as you’re watching this, imagine it’s just some sort of glare far away on the horizon; something many miles away. Imagine you’d put on some infrared specs and were just seeing some sort of bright, amorphous glare from something hot far away. 

So now we get to the infamous rotation; the thing that made it seem extra weird. Let’s watch what he says about that:


So, to sum up: the nature of the video system is that it must rotate in order to keep a static image of the thing it’s tracking. This makes sense as the jet is moving very fast, which makes it require various advanced rotation systems to keep its static shot. And every lens has various traits and imperfections, so as the camera lens rotates, the artifact, the glare, rotates also. Think of your own camera phone; you’ve probably noticed it has little ways it distorts light and that as you rotate your phone those distortions rotate with the camera. 

So let’s watch that video again, and this time imagine you’re watching some heat glare from a distant jet and that the camera lens is rotating, causing the artifact to rotate. 

The documentary goes into more detail about that video. As far as I’m concerned, they explained away the mystery of that video. The only remaining questions I have about that particular video is why the pilots thought it was so strange; wouldn’t they have seen other artifacts like that? Has anyone asked them or other pilots about that and the commonness of that?  

Another interesting thing about the ‘gimbal’ video is that one of the pilots mentions that they saw a fleet of those objects. We don’t see those in the camera system, though, so we don’t know what he’s referring to. But it seems possible if they saw other ones on their visual tracking system, then maybe it was a fleet of jets that had several infrared glares. I don’t know, though. That’s another thing I’m curious about. 

The full documentary has several other interesting explanations of the other well known videos that were released in 2017. The documentary also delves into some of the more famous UFO myths and stories that are often told by UFOs fans and alien-visitation true believers. I watched the movie with a couple UFO buffs and they found it very interesting and educational. 

After watching Brian’s video, the main question I and my friends had was why we hadn’t heard these explanations before. It struck me as so strange that I hadn’t seen these explanations in major newspapers, or hadn’t seen the military trying to explain these things. 

I asked Brian why that was and he wrote me the following: 

Journalists absolutely have reported it — it just doesn’t make the headlines because it’s the least sensational version of the story. 

And if you read the reports from AARO ( All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office), it’s clear they’ve come to the same conclusion, and sound like they have watched Mick West’s videos, though that’s obviously not the only way to come to the right conclusions. 

The reason the UFOlogists continue screaming that the government won’t give this the attention it’s due is that they don’t like what the government concluded when they did give it the attention it’s due.

Again, that was Brian’s message to me. It seems like a lot of things these days, more sensational stories travel faster and get the most attention. More sensational stories are spread around by various other news channels and podcasters and influencers; the more serious and skeptical work gets far less attention; maybe it’s mentioned in an article but, because it’s not as exciting, nobody’s talking about it on youtube or instagram or facebook or whatever; the multitude of shitty news sites don’t want to talk about the more analytical and boring stuff as much. 

All in all, this was a bit of a journey for me. Back when I interviewed Brian Dunning in 2023, we talked about a range of things, including acupuncture, chiropractor work, and UFOs. Back then I was actually a pretty firm believer that something very strange was happening with these UFO videos and UFO sightings. To be clear: I still think it’s possible something strange is happening; more even than the rather weak video evidence, I find some of the reports by experienced jet pilots about multiple sightings of objects, like those featured on the 60 Minutes episode about UFOs, to be interesting and unusual. But Brian’s work has helped me approach this entire topic with a lot more information and healthy skepticism. More importantly, my journey on learning about these UFO videos has helped me approach other topics with more skepticism, as it’s easy for me to remember the feeling of getting so excited and going with the crowd about the UFO videos, and then coming back down to earth a bit. 

So thank you for your work, Brian Dunning. If you liked this, please go watch Brian’s movie and become a paid subscriber to his substack He deserves your money and support. Also, check out my talk with Brian in 2023; we talk about various topics and also about the meta-level topic of why people are so gullible. 

This has been the People Who Read People podcast, with me, Zach Elwood. Thanks for your interest.


A dumb 1960s book on reading physical aspects of faces

I thought it’d be interesting to read a very dumb book from 1969 called “Face Reading: A Guide to How the Human Face Reveals Personality, Sexuality, Intelligence, Character, and More.” To be clear: this is a very bad book with no sense/logic to it, basically astrology-like, and I’m reading it just because I was curious what it said and thought some other people would find it interesting. I’m generally curious about the weird things people believe; also curious about some stereotypes that were present about such things in the 60s era. I thought it was an interesting relic and some other people might also think so.

Episode links:


I ask an 8-year-old about her belief in Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, and more

I interrogate an 8-year-old about her belief in magical creatures, including: Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, the Boogey Man, mermaids, gods and devils, and more. We also get on the subject of dreams and the nature of her mental imagery (e.g., aphantasia).

Episode links:

This was a segment of an interview from 2021. For the full interview, go here.


Fake, lying expert spreads paranoia about NJ drones being psy-op

I didn’t share this episode on the audio podcast platforms; I put it up only on YouTube.

I saw that Chase Hughes, a serial liar who I’ve examined in the past for this podcast, was getting a lot of views for a video promoting the idea that the New Jersey drone sightings might be a government psy-op (psychological operation). So I made a YouTube video to try to educate people about a) the silliness and lies of Chase Hughes, and b) along the way to talk about the badness of reaching for paranoid conspiracy theories without strong evidence.

The video is here:


To avoid polarization destroying us, we must recognize how “our side” contributes

No matter who wins the election, we’ll likely see toxic political polarization get worse, at least for a time. To avoid us tearing ourselves apart, we need more Americans to see that we’re caught in a feedback loop of conflict. Each group’s contempt and fear provoke contempt and fear from the “other side,” in a self-reinforcing cycle. Political scientist Lee Drutman refers to this as the “doom loop.”

This is a reading of a piece I wrote for my Defusing American Anger Substack: that piece is here. If you think these ideas are important, or if you’re skeptical and want to learn more, check out my books at

Episode links:


Taking Trump’s words out of context: How that drives conflict, and even helps Trump

In a recent Fox News interview, Trump was asked whether he thought there would be chaos and violence if he won the election, and his response included mentioning that, if necessary, the military might be needed. Many framed this response as indicating that Trump would go after his political opponents using the military, leaving out the context that he was responding to a question about election-related violence. I discuss what this incident can teach us about our toxic political divides.

A transcript, post-release show notes, and resources related to this episode are farther down below.

Topics discussed include: Republican-side grievances and how incidents like this relate; how conflict leads us to filter things in more pessimistic and negative ways; the self-reinforcing nature of conflict; the reasons why people framed Trump’s statements the way they did; Trump’s “bloodbath” language and similar reactions to that; the ease with which we can be biased without even realizing it, and more.

Episode links:

Show notes:

  • I think there are areas of nuance here that result in people talking about different aspects of it and misunderstanding each other.
    • For example, a piece by Tangle News focused on the badness of Trump saying he might use the military on protesters. I see the badness of that as quite debatable as I think there are scenarios where that’d be a reasonable response. Also Trump did say “if necessary,” which leaves a lot of room for ambiguity. But in any case Tangle’s focus was different than mine; I focused on people leaving out the context of the question Trump was asked, and framing it as if he were talking about dealing with his political opponents generally. (Learn why I recommend Tangle.)
  • As I discuss in this episode, when making these points I’ll receive criticisms like, “Trump is unhinged and dangerous; it’s clear what he meant.” (You can see a response like this in these comments. ) But the fact that I and others can have very different interpretations of these moments shows that the meaning of such things is not obvious. And hopefully you can see that you can think Trump is horrible while also seeing how overly pessimistic framings are bad and unhelpful (and while also seeing how such things can actually help Trump).

Resources related to this episode:


This is the People Who Read People podcast, with me, Zachary Elwood. This is a podcast about understanding people better, and understanding ourselves better. You can learn more about it at Also on my site are entries for these episodes with related resources and transcripts and more. 

In this episode, I’m going to discuss something in political news that bothered me a few days ago. I think it’s a good example of something quite specific and granular that tells us a lot about how our political divides work on a broader level. 

If you do disagree with me, I’d ask you to keep in mind the broader point that disagreeing on these things is easy. Often for these contentious issues, disagreement on political views or disagreement about specific points becomes a reason for people to walk away from thinking about these ideas. But if you can see the meta-level point that it’s easy for us to see things in very different ways, that’s very much related to the points I make in this video. 

In an October 14th interview on Fox News, Trump said some insulting and divisive things about liberals and Democrats, as he often does; He used the phrase the “enemy within” to talk about his political enemies, and discussed specific people, like Adam Schiff, who he saw as his enemies. During that talk, he was asked by the host, Maria Bartiroma, what he thought about the chances for violence after the election if he were to win. I’ll play that clip

Maria: Are you expecting chaos on election day?

Trump: No, I don’t – not from the side that votes for Trump.

Maria: But I’m just wondering if these outside agitators will start up on election day. Let’s say you win. I mean, let’s remember, you’ve got 50,000 Chinese nationals in this country in the last couple years, there are people on the terrorist watch list: 350 in the last couple years. You got, like you said, 13,000 murderers and 15 thousand rapists, um, what are you expecting? Joe biden says he doesn’t think it’s going to be a peaceful election day.

Trump: Well, he doesn’t have any idea what’s happening – he spends most of his day sleeping. Uh, I think the bigger problem is the enemy from within. Not even the people that have come in and are destroying our country – by the way, totally destroying our country, the towns, the villages, they’re being inundated – but I don’t think they’re the problem in terms of election day. I think the bigger problem are the people from within – we have some very bad people, we have some sick people, radical left lunatics. And I think – and it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or if really necessary, by the military, because they can’t let that happen. 

Trump’s mention of using the military was then framed in extremely negative terms by many in the media; ways that seem extremely biased to me. Here are a few examples of what I mean: 

Here’s a clip from New York Times’ The Daily podcast: (4:30)  Note that here they conflate together the “enemy within” language with the statement about the use of the military. Again, they don’t mention that there was a question about election-related violence that prompted the remark on the military. This show was the reason I started looking into this, because I was frankly pretty surprised by their framing and the lack of context given. 

Here’s a similar clip from Jake Tapper:

Here’s a headline from NYT: Trump Escalates Threats to Political Opponents He Deems the ‘Enemy’: Never before has a presidential nominee openly suggested turning the military on Americans simply because they oppose his candidacy. 

Here’s a headline from MSNBC: A military that quashes protest is a part of Donald Trump’s fascistic dream

Kamala Harris also talked about it. She said, during a Fox News talk, that Trump suggested he would quote “turn the American military on the American people.” 

Now, to be clear here, I myself am very much anti-Trump – but I’m also someone who is concerned about what some far left people might do if Trump is elected. For the upcoming election, one of the paths to worst-case scenarios I see involves Trump winning followed by far left people doing bad things, which then leads to counter protestors doing bad things, and to escalating street violence, and then to Trump and others cracking down harshly on protestors, leading to more outrage and protests, and more crackdown, and so on. That’s one of the pathways that scares me. 

So the idea that there may theoretically be a substantial amount of violence and the idea that it may theoretically be necessary to use the National Guard to break up protests isn’t an unreasonable idea to me. 

Also we should note that Trump was prompted to answer here, so he had to say something, and note that he also did say, “if necessary.” This wasn’t a statement he produced out of the blue; when analyzing statements for meaning, we must differentiate between prompted speech and speech that one produced unprompted. 

This statement from Trump about the theoretical use of military force, if you subtract all his usual “sick and bad people” type language surrounding it, struck me as quite banal, all things considered, and as the kind of thing that Kamala Harris might say, using different language, if asked about the possibility of far right violence if she won. From my point of view, this was a quite minor moment compared to some of the much more objectively bad things Trump said in this talk, including calling his political opponents the “enemy within” and other things. The thing is with Trump: there are just so many more clearly and unambiguously objectionable things to focus on, which makes it a strange decision by anti-Trump people to focus on the more subjective things he’s said. 

Some people thought that Trump’s “enemy within” language showed that he was talking about more than just violent protestors, because that’s a term he used elsewhere to describe his political opponents in general. But that to me is not persuasive evidence; we know Trump likes to speak in extremely divisive and insulting and dehumanizing ways about his opponents. But granted that we know that, it’s not surprising that he would keep using the same phrase, the “enemy within” to describe his enemies as a whole, and that he’d fail to distinguish between the different types of his so-called “enemies.” We also know that Trump loves catchphrases; he often will go a while using the same phrase, because he just seems to get a kick out of using it. This is just to say that the claim that he was talking about his opponents in general as opposed to violent protestors specifically is not an objectively obvious or provable one; I think that it’s overly pessimistic. 

At the very least, even if you disagree with me on that, maybe you’d agree that it would have been good and responsible journalism to mention that the statement about the military came after he was asked about potential election-related violence. 

In my books on polarization, my main focus is on the self-reinforcing nature of conflict. When you take the worst-case interpretations of everything your adversaries say and do, you amplify the toxicity of the conflict. It’s entirely expected that these pessimistic takes and interpretations should happen, when we’re conflict; that’s what conflict does to us. Pessimism begets pessimism. People on both sides of the conflict see the other side in increasingly negative and pessimistic ways, and then filter everything through that lens, and so on. 

If you care about reducing the toxicity of our divides, or even if you mainly are interested in accomplishing specifical political goals, you should care about how this cycle gets worse, and you should want to work against it.

And not only that: worst-case interpretations help build support for the “other side.” Our worst-case, pessimistic interpretations help those on the other side of the conflict construct their narratives where we are the bad guys. We’ll often view our own behaviors and statements as reactions to the other side’s badness, but they will see our criticisms and reactions as provocations and aggressions. For this specific incident, it’s easy to imagine how Republican-leaning voters view this: these are the incidents that confirm for them why they are right to distrust liberal-leaning mainstream media. I’ll say that even for me, these incidents are extremely disappointing and agitating; for one thing, it means that when I hear the latest outrage on the liberal side, in respected liberal outlets, I can no longer trust that things happened as they’re claimed to have happen; when I hear something that Trump or Republicans did that is supposedly worthy of outrage, I can’t trust the sources anymore, I have to go do my own research. This is what’s so frustrating about this, even apart from the fact that I see these things as amplifying conflict for no good reason. 

If you’re curious to learn more about that, I have a talk with Yakov Hirsch in the backlog of episodes, where we talk about the importance of anti-Trump people having cognitive empathy for Trump and Trump supporters; for understanding why Republicans can perceive a huge, biased system aligned against them, and how that makes them feel and act. Again, in all of these areas, you can arrive at empathy and understanding for other people’s narratives without agreeing with their views. Contrary to what our instincts tell us, understanding does not equal agreeing.

Here’s a clip from Maria Bartiromo’s show yesterday, October 20th, where she talks about people taking Trump’s statement out of context  

No surprise this week to see the media critique and misread my exclusive interview with President Trump last weekend when he responded to my question about whether outside agitators would emerge to create chaos and election day should it appear that Trump was winning instead most media Outlets cut out my question entirely to suggest Trump wanted the military to take down his political enemies here’s a clip.

[Here she plays the clip from her interview…]

Following my interview Democrats and many mainstream media outlets constructed their own political narrative without including the full context of the Q&A about outside agitators on Election Day among the media Outlets that ran misleading headlines NPR Vanity Fair the part and many others and this is how the interview was covered on television: 

Watch this in a Fox news interview the former president also suggested using the military to go after what he called the enemy from within on Election Day it comes as former president Trump is deploying increasingly inflammatory rhetoric against his rival and suggesting using the military against what he described as domestic enemies it we’re at the point where where he’s saying I’m going to use the National Guard and the military to take my political enemies out of the country talking about but I’m talking about

Donald Trump saying that he wants to use the National Guard in the military to go after the left that’s what he’s saying on the campaign Trail Trump this weekend stepping up his anti-immigrant rhetoric and suggesting he might use the military against quote radical left lunatics on Election Day. 

Joining me now in this Sunday Morning Futures exclusive is Trump organization Executive Vice President and the son of the 45th president Eric Trump. Eric, great to see you thank you for being here your reaction. 

Eric: Thanks Maria listen my reaction is very simple. I’ve lived this for 10 years Maria I mean it started with the dirty dossier where they made up the most Unthinkable things about my father then they went to

the Russia hoax and that hung over my father’s presidency for threeyear period of time then they tried to impeach him the first time then they went after Brett Kavanaugh then they tried to impeach him the second time then they raided his home they raided melania’s closet they raided you know Baron’s room then they tried to take him off the valley in Colorado then they tried to take him off the ballot in Maine then they weaponized every AG and DA in Atlanta in New York and in Washington DC to go after my father then you had you know Paige and stru and and Comey you had me getting 111 subpoenas you had

them ban him from Twitter ban him from Facebook ban him from Instagram the they I I mean where do you want me to stop and and that’s exactly what my father’s talking about that’s the enemy within. 

I include this clip not because I agree with what Eric Trump says; in fact, I think Eric is someone that, like many people these days, has been deranged by conflict. He filters everything about the quote “other side” through the worst possible lens, and it’s a very distorted lens, in my opinion. He sees everyone on the quote “other side” as all being aligned against him, as all being part of a big plot; that is also what conflict does to us. He filters everything through a very pessimistic lens while being unable to empathize with the reasons why people view his father so negatively. Remember that Eric Trump is the person who said, about Trump’s political opponents, “I’ve never seen hatred like this. To me, they’re not even people.” He can’t see the big picture of the conflict; he is only focused on the badness of his opponents, as he sees it. And it’s easy for conflict to derange us; easier than we think. 

I include this clip to help people understand how incidents like this one fit into the broader narrative building that happens on the Republican side where Trump’s enemies are the undemocratic ones, willing to do and say whatever they can to make Trump look bad. Again, you don’t have to agree with that to understand why people feel that way, and to see why that can be a large factor in support for Trump. Grievance and anger are big factors in our politics; more so than most people want to believe, on either side. 

Another prominent example of this dynamic was around Trump’s “bloodbath” comment, in which he made the statement that, if he lost, “it’s going to be a bloodbath for the country.” I’ll play that clip: 


As with the statement about use of the military, this specific phrase struck me when it happened and got media attention as a non-issue. Listening to Trump’s statement in context, it struck me as completely banal. The kind of thing that would pass unnoticed by most people if people besides Trump were to say it. 

Supporting the view that it was rather banal, I’ll read a snippet on this incident from

“If you actually watch and listen to the section, he was talking about the auto industry and tariffs,” Steven Cheung, a spokesman for Trump’s campaign, told the Washington Post, adding that “Biden’s policies will create an economic bloodbath for the auto industry and autoworkers.”

That explanation seems the most plausible, given the context of Trump’s comments.

End quote

Also supporting evidence for this is the fact that one of the understood meanings of bloodbath is an “economic disaster.” 

And yet, in this case, also, many smart and influential people, from academics to political leaders to pundits, ran with the most pessimistic interpretation possible.   

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have both repeated the claim that Trump’s “bloodbath” language was meant to predict or threaten violence if he lost. 

In the debate in June, Biden talked about this:

 “And now he says if he loses again, such a whiner that he is, that there could be a bloodbath.” 

Here’s a clip from Kamala Harris from their debate in September: “Donald Trump the candidate has said in this election there will be a bloodbath.”

Tim Snyder, is the author of the best-selling book On Tyranny, in which he makes the case that Trump poses an authoritarian threat. Snyder framed it as obvious, in context, that Trump really did mean a physical and literal bloodbath. He made the case on his substack that one must put Trump’s statement into context. After laying out the context he saw, he wrote: 

By now we have taken into account some important contexts: how Trump himself introduced his speech; the politics and mendacity of his coup attempt of 2021; and the history of fascist violence generally.  All of this confirms that when Trump threatens a bloodbath he means a bloodbath.  

Later he writes:

The people who say that the car context rescues Trump ignore the meaningful contexts: history, Trump, the opening of the rally, what he said in the speech generally.  Focusing on the cars has the effect of casting away the fascist overture and rest of the speech, and all of the other contexts.  Those who speciously insist that Trump had in mind an automotive bloodbath never mention that he had just celebrated criminals, repeated the big lie, dehumanized people, and followed fascist patterns.

This helps us see the explanation for why smart people, people who I think should know better, can justify overly pessimistic interpretations: They think that you must take into account all the context and look behind the surface level meaning. The arguments in that direction tend to sound like this: “We know how bad Trump really is and the many bad things he’s said before; we can’t give him the benefit of the doubt” and “Don’t be naive; we know what he was really thinking; he tries to speak in ambiguous ways so you can’t be sure exactly what he means but we know better.”

But this is all quite bad logic to me: these are justifications for taking the worst-case interpretations of things people say; they aren’t logical reasons why you should do that. 

For one thing, reaching for the most pessimistic interpretations possible is what people on both sides of an extreme conflict will find themselves doing. This is what Trump and Republicans do to their opponents all the time. This is what conflict does to us. If we want to work against conflict, we must see it as important to not jump to pessimistic conclusions about everything around us. The truth is that in the course of speaking, all of us every day say things that could be taken in extremely pessimistic ways; there is no shortage of things to use to build pessimistic narratives. And if we do that for other people, they’ll be more inclined to do it for us. 

The impulse to engage in mind-reading is one clue of this mindset; we see this from highly angry people on both sides of our divide; people who say things like “We know what’s in their hearts; we know what’s in their minds; we know the dark, dangerous things our opponents are thinking.” 

For another thing, if your goal is to criticize Trump, there are just so many things Trump has said that are worthy of criticism and that don’t require reaching for subjective, ambiguous, and non-persuasive interpretations. If your goal is to persuade others of Trump’s badness, reaching for the most subjective and ambiguous examples of his behavior are a surefire way to drive people away from you and make them see your arguments and your concerns as silly. Think about it from a Trump voter’s perspective for a moment: when they see people overreacting about Trump’s “blood bath” language and his mention of using the military to quell unrest if necessary, they will find it easy to write off other liberal-side concerns about Trump. They will find it easy to think anti-Trump people are overreacting in general. 

Another defense I hear is from people who agree that these aren’t good things, but who say: “But the problems are so much worse on the other side; why are you focused on this small stuff?” But hopefully by the time you’re done this video, you’ll have a better sense of why I find these things so important to talk about and to consider.  

Pessimism and contempt beget more pessimism and contempt. For people who see liberal-leaning media acting in biased ways, they will also reach for pessimistic conclusions, like, “The media knows they’re lying; they’re purposefully lying to hurt Trump; this is all part of a big plot.” 

But this is another overly pessimistic interpretation. The simple fact is that conflict produces bias and overly pessimistic views. Conflict diverges our narratives, making it harder for us to understand the narratives people on the quote “other side” have. In my book Defusing American Anger, I include a section on our polarized, divergent views of Trump, where I talk about how we can arrive at such divergent, entirely different views of the things Trump has said and done. 

[Show diagram] When you see these dynamics clearly, you’ll have a better understanding of things that can be rather mystifying. For example, on a personal note, I’ll say that it’s rather mystifying to me how smart people in the liberal-leaning media can so often arrive at these extremely pessimistic and, to me, illogical, takes about Trump. Why are they focusing on these subjective and non-persuasive things, I wonder. In the same way, I am often perplexed by the very unreasonable and divisive framings of things in conservative-leaning news. It would be quite easy for me to reach conclusions like, “All the reporters and leaders I think are speaking in very divisive and biased ways are purposefully trying to deceive people.” It would be very easy to jump to extremely pessimistic conclusions about so many people. But because I’m someone who works against pessimism, I think it’s important to examine the underlying causes at work. Smart and compassionate people can arrive at views they believe are completely defensible and logical but that I and others see as extremely biased and misleading. Just as Timothy Snyder can defend his framing of Trump’s “bloodbath” comments by arguing it’s all about the context and putting the pieces together, others in various ways are doing the same thing. They are connecting the dots in various ways. 

For example, for Trump’s military comments recently, some made the argument that it was clear, from the context of the rest of the aggressive and divisive interview, that Trump’s statement about using the military didn’t just apply to violent protestors; that in the context of him talking about the “enemy within” and talking specifically about Pelosi and Adam Schiff and such elsewhere in the talk, that it was clear that he was insinuating violence in general against his so-called enemies as a broad group. As I previously said, I don’t find this persuasive logic, as it requires deductions and assumptions, but I can understand how they got to that stance. 

The truth is that we’re all making all sorts of deductions and assumptions every day. Our logic and our thinking are built on all sorts of assumptions and deductions. And what does conflict and polarization do to us? It makes what we focus on and the deductions we make more pessimistic, and more hysterical; it makes our thinking itself more team-based and unreasonable. As humans, we’re good at assembling stories; we’re good at assembling the pieces of the puzzle in all sorts of ways, and often the picture we put together will be overly dark and scary. 

This is just to say: if you’re someone who is drawn to often thinking that people on the “other side” are always lying; that they can’t possibly believe the things they say they believe – I hope you consider that, more often than you think, those people really do believe what they say they believe. This is not to say there aren’t liars (because conflict makes people more willing to lie, too), but just to say that often our divergence in narratives will mean we’ll have a hard time distinguishing between true believers and liars. 

Our divergent narratives and interpretations will lead to moments like this between two people who I think do genuinely have completely different but yet defensible views of this incident: 

TAPPER: He’s literally talking about, using the military against Democrats. I mean he’s literally talking…

JOHNSON: No, he’s not. No, no, he’s not, Jake.

TAPPER: Yes he is!

JOHNSON: No, he’s not. No. No, he’s talking about using the National Guard and the military to keep the peace in our streets. 

I write about these dynamics in my book Defusing American Anger, which is written for all Americans and is currently only in ebook. My book How Contempt Destroys Democracy is written for a liberal and/or anti-Trump audience and is available in paperback as well as ebook. My work in this area has gotten some good reviews. For example, Kamy Akhavan, Executive Director of USC Dornsife Center for the Political Future, called it “One of the better books on polarization” and said it contained a “great explanation of how polarization actually works.” Kirkus Reviews said it contained: “Compelling arguments, based on astute observations and backed by solid research.” Daniel F Stone, a polarization researcher and the author of the book Undue Hate, which I highly recommend, gave me a book review in which he said that I’m quote “one of the wisest voices on the topic of toxic polarization.” 

You can learn more about my polarization-related work at

I hope you found this of interest. If you did, please consider sharing on your social media; sharing my work is how you can encourage me to do more of it. 

Thanks for watching. 


Is Peter Todd Bitcoin’s creator? A talk about his behavior and language

In the documentary Money Electric: The Bitcoin Mystery, filmmaker Cullen Hoback put forth the theory that developer Peter Todd was Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin. In this episode, I talk to cryptocurrency expert Jeremy Clark about this theory, with a focus on the language and behavior of Peter Todd. We discuss: the 2010 forum post by Peter Todd that forms the backbone of Hoback’s theory; Peter’s behavior in the film when confronted, which many people saw as suspicious and strange; the difficulties of relying on nonverbal behavior for clues; and how simple, neat, and exciting stories can attract us.

Peter Todd watched this episode; links to his thoughts are below in the show notes. Also below is a transcript and resources related to this talk.

Episode links:

Notes about this episode:

  • Peter Todd looked at this episode shortly it came out. Here are Peter Todd’s comments in reaction.
  • Several people (including Peter) misunderstood my point about the forum post language. My point, which I elaborated on at the end, was that I thought the language itself was unusual/rare, not the fact that he was correcting him. I would predict that if you were to study instances of people correcting other people’s points (even when correcting people rather bluntly or rudely), the phrase “to be specific” would be rare. That’s something that could be studied (could run an analysis of many forums/threads maybe). But again, even if I’m right (which I might not be), people do say unusual phrasings all the time, so it wouldn’t mean much on its own. It might become interesting if you could prove it was extremely rare, though.
    • Here’s Peter saying he thought his “to be specific” language was softening the tone of his correction
  • Here’s one person’s thoughts on why he thinks the forum post language supports the idea that Peter isn’t Satoshi. I include this as a way to emphasize that there are clearly many ways to interpret the totality of evidence.
  • Towards the end, it might have come across like I was saying that the filmmaker, Cullen Hoback, was being a bit conspiratorial with regards to ideas that Peter Todd may have worked for the CIA. To clarify that: I don’t think that’s what Hoback was doing; I think he was talking about theories that are out there as a way to get to his theory about Peter.

Resources mentioned in or related to this talk:


(transcript may contain errors)

Zach Elwood: A few days ago, I got an email. It read: 

Hi Zachary, HBO recently aired a documentary on Bitcoin titled Money Electric (covered in NYT, New Yorker, etc.). As you might know, Bitcoin was invented by an anonymous individual. The film ends with the filmmaker confronting the man he suspects, a developer named Peter Todd. A lot is being made of Peter’s body language and behavior, which is admittedly strange. The director keeps retweeting people saying they believe it is Peter because of his reaction. I would love to hear your take. The concrete evidence is very thin, so his reaction is a main piece of evidence.

That email came from a cryptocurrency expert named Jeremy Clark. This episode will mostly consist of a talk I had with Jeremy about this after I watched the Money Electric documentary based on his recommendation. Jeremy and I discuss a statement Peter Todd made on an early bitcoin forum, which is the primary piece of evidence in Hoback’s theory that Peter is Bitcoin’s creator. And we discuss Peter’s behavior when he was confronted by the film maker.   

This is the People Who Read People podcast with me, Zachary Elwood. This is a podcast aimed at better understanding people. You can learn more about it If you like my work, please hit subscribe and share it with others; that’s how you can encourage me to spend more time on these projects. 

A few notes on this: 

  • This episode will make the most sense if you’ve seen the Money Electric documentary first. I think you’ll be able to follow it either way, but it will probably just be the most enjoyable if you’ve watched the movie.
  • I want to emphasize that I went into this knowing almost nothing about bitcoin or theories about who Satoshi was. After Jeremy sent me the email, I watched the documentary, read a couple articles online, and jumped on a call with him. As you’ll notice, I am quite ignorant about these topics. But I thought this minimal research approach would work out because it gave me a chance to share reactions and thoughts that a lot of people probably had watching this, and gave Jeremy a chance to push back on and correct some of my more ignorant reactions.  
  • One interesting thing about this episode to me is how my initial confidence in the film maker’s theory gave way, as Jeremy educated me, to more doubt and uncertainty. This meta-level point is something Jeremy and I talk about, too; how we can be drawn to stories that make us feel we’ve understood something, even when our understanding is quite wrong, or quite partial. We can be especially drawn to stories that are exciting, or stories that make us feel we’re in possession of some secret, special knowledge. I’m honestly a little bit embarrassed of some of the things I say towards the beginning of this talk with Jeremy, as in hindsight it seems obvious to me that of course many smart people have been pouring over this topic for many years, so it’s rather silly to think that this film maker or I would have amazing insights that others very close to this hadn’t already carefully considered by now.
    • To be specific, I’m embarrassed at my saying to Jeremy that I found the evidence quote “really persuasive,” because in hindsight my confidence was partially due to my immense ignorance in this area. Another thing I’m a bit embarrassed about was my initial excitement, after watching the documentary, at the idea of closely analyzing the language patterns found in Peter’s and Satoshi’s posts. As I talked to Jeremy I quickly realized that of course people have already looked into that in depth. 
    • These points about the allure of exciting and simplistic stories is something I think about a lot in my work on political polarization-related topics. The truth is that we’re drawn to simplistic stories in all aspects of our lives; from stories about our politics and political groups, to stories about how the world in general works, to stories about our own personalities and personal lives. And simplistic stories are tempting and can draw us in, but simplistic stories come with prices, because they’re often quite inaccurate and misleading, and can even lead us down dangerous paths sometimes. 

A little bit about my guest Jeremy Clark: he’s an Associate Professor at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. His website is that is “pulp” “spy” .com. Jeremy’s website bio says that he mostly works on quote “security and cryptography with real-world applications to finance and democracy.”

Okay, without further adieu here’s the talk with Jeremy Clark…

Zachary Elwood: Yeah. Hey, Jeremy. Yeah, thanks for showing me this story. It’s very interesting and I wonder do you want to start by giving your thoughts about whether Peter Todd is Satoshi and then I can give my thoughts, or do you want to do it that way?

Jeremy: Sure, happy to. Yeah, so this documentary came out from HBO and it pointed to someone called Peter Todd as potentially the person who invented Bitcoin. I know Peter; I’ve met him before at various events very long time ago. There’s even a picture with a bunch of people around a dinner table, and it’s in the film just for a split second. I am in that picture, but it frames me out. I wasn’t sitting close enough and it wanted to zoom in on Peter. But yeah, let me just say a high-level way of how I think about the question. So, I think of everyone sort of walking around with a needle that’s somewhere between 0% and 100% chance of being Satoshi. Right? And so Peter’s needle is definitely a lot higher than an average person that you’re going to pick off the street. He does have experience on the development side, he has a longstanding interest which you can see through forum posts and things like that on digital cash. He has developer experience, and so he ticks a lot of those boxes. The problem for me is that there’s probably, by my count, maybe 10,000 other people that would kind of tick those boxes as well. You also have a reverse causation where if you do a project like Bitcoin, you’re going to attract those people. Those are the people who are going to come. Right?

Zach: Right. So they’ll be involved with it early on and be around it. Yeah.

Jeremy: Exactly, exactly. So, the fact that you’re involved early isn’t necessarily evidence that you’re Satoshi. It just means that the project drew you into the spotlight. And then, of course, you’re going to have lots of people around the project that are very capable of creating it. What I would say is just that from what I saw of the film, it didn’t move the needle. Okay? I’m not saying he’s not Satoshi, I’m not saying he is.

Zach: Right, it wasn’t convincing.

Jeremy: Yeah, whatever his needle was at before, they brought forward a bunch of evidence and it didn’t change it.

Zach: Gotcha. Do you want me to talk about my thoughts now?

Jeremy: Yes, I’d love to hear them.

Zach: You had contacted me about behavior, which as I was telling you via email—and I’ve said many times on my podcast and such—I’m quite skeptical about drawing major conclusions from nonverbal behavior. I am much more a believer in statement analysis and analyzing statements, which is not about really behavior at that point, it’s just about analyzing and making logical deductions of what people say and the way they say it and the way they phrase things. So, yeah, what really stood out to me… I was skeptical going in because I read a little bit about it and I was like how much could this very clearly smart person give away—considering he hasn’t been a major suspect so far. So, I was skeptical. But I will say the thing that stood out to me was the forum post itself. And I’ll actually share the screen here because it probably helps us talk about it. One second. Let me just make sure I have that up.

Yeah, can you see my screen?

Jeremy: Yeah.

Zach: Yeah, so the part where they talk about this thing where Peter Todd’s account on an old Satoshi post in a forum, Peter Todd follows up with the post. It was apparently a minute and a half after Satoshi posted or something, or maybe it was an hour and a half. I can’t remember offhand.

Jeremy: Yes. Yeah, 90 minutes roughly.

Zach: Yeah, 90 minutes. Yeah. This, to me, really just stood out. I find this really persuasive evidence that Peter Todd is Satoshi because, I mean, he didn’t even get into the documentary but the language here. Of course, to be specific, that to me does not sound like something somebody responding to someone would say. Just thinking about how anybody would respond or how I would ever respond to somebody who is well-known in the community and is clearly extremely smart and you’re saying, “Of course, to be specific…” It’s like you’re clarifying something like it’s a continuing thought, which is what they say in the documentary, like this seems to be a continuing thought and he was logged into the wrong account, and he had only recently made the Peter Todd— Or Peter Todd only recently made his account on that forum, apparently, so it makes sense that he might have confused the accounts, that to me really stood out as like I really find that hard to explain other than Peter Todd being Satoshi. This is not to say I’m certain, but I do find this really persuasive evidence. So, this brings up other lines of questions for me. 

Zach: Just a note that I edited out some of our talk here. I’d gotten confused by the fact that in the documentary the film maker had added ellipsis to both Satoshi’s and Peter’s posts. I had thought there was potentially some clue in the use of the ellipsis, but the ellipsis weren’t present in the original posts. This gets back to what I was saying in the intro: I was getting excited thinking, “what various clues might be present in the language?” when of course all this stuff has been poured over in excruciating detail already. Back to the talk.

I would wonder also to look at this specific post for Peter Todd, like the asterisks around exactly, I would wonder if Satoshi often did that. I would even look for the phrase ‘to be specific’ because there’s little minute things like that that if you can find people often using them, it can be a clue to whether it’s the same person.

But just alone the “of course, to be specific,” I’m just imagining putting yourself in Peter Todd’s position. He claims to have barely been in the Bitcoin space at that time—and that was the other thing that he mentioned in the documentary, the fact that he claims to have not really been that detailed about the thinking then—so for him to clarify Satoshi’s post of all people soon after Satoshi posted about a very minute technical detail is pretty strange. And then you added in that the surrounding things about like Peter Todd’s new account, the fact that both of them went silent on that board for really long after that at the same time, all these things… But even just this—leaving aside all these other things—just this post is so strange to me. T he language of ‘of course, to be specific,’ to me it sounds like someone clarifying their own language and not something you would ever say to a third party, especially somebody who’s much more respected. I don’t know. What do you think of that language choice there? Do you think I’m making too much of that?

Jeremy: Well, let me say a few things about everything. First off, in the film, they do show the long version of the post but then later on to sort of stylistically emphasize it, they kind of pull that thought closer to what it looks like he might be correcting from Satoshi. I would say you have to put yourself in a bit of a time machine here in 2010. Bitcoin, I don’t know what it’s worth and how much a Bitcoin is worth—probably less than a dollar or something like that. So, yes, Satoshi did invent the system and it’s attracting a lot of attention. But at the same time, it’s not the Bitcoin that we know today and Satoshi is not the Satoshi that we know today.

Zach: So people speak more informally to them and correct them… Disagree with him, correct them.

Jeremy: And for computer scientists especially, they tend to be very informal and sometimes a little hostile. And Peter Todd has a reputation for being a bit of a troll.

Zach: Right. Yeah, I get that, and those are reasons why I am far from certain. But I do just find this specific phrasing to be specific. And maybe that’d be something interesting to look into it. Like, has he used that language when correcting people in the past or in other places, and maybe it’s a Canadian thing or something? You know? These are reasons why I don’t drawing really firm conclusions. But I do just find the immediate follow-up and this specific phrasing like “To be specific,” I just can’t imagine myself ever saying ‘to be specific’ to somebody else. It’s possible, especially if you’re being—like you say—he’s rather troll-like and often corrects people. Right? So I can see where he’s almost like speaking for him like, “Well, you know, what you meant to say was this.” I could kind of see that. I just find that, combined with some of the other details, I do find quite strange. I don’t know if you want to respond to that more or…

Jeremy: I’ll just sort of dilute your confidence a little bit more. One person I did see on Twitter, I didn’t reconfirm this but I expect it’s probably true, they did look to see whether Satoshi ever put things in asterisks—like the word ‘exactly’— and never did.

Zach: Oh, nice. Okay. Well, that’s…

Jeremy: So, that was one thing. The other thing is—this is where I could actually contribute something because I kind of understand the conversation at a technical level—in the film, it was presented as a continuation of thought. Right? But I want to put the emphasis that this is a correction. Like, Satoshi said something wrong and this is a correction. And it’s not even… If I say correction, usually you fix it. You’re like, “Oh, you said this wrong, so this would be what would be right or this is what you could do instead.” And in this case, it’s like, “You’re wrong,” without the correction. Right? And so it seems weird that you would just be like… If you followed up and you saw that you said something wrong, you would probably actually correct it. Whereas this is just sort of like, “Oh yeah, that’s not right.”

Zach: Oh, I see what you’re saying. Are you saying if Satoshi had made a mistake, he would just correct it himself? As I was saying.

Jeremy: Yeah, he could edit the post as well. The problem is it leaves the issue hanging. Right? Satoshi says, “Oh, we could do it this way,” then Peter Todd comes along and says, “Oh, actually, basically you can’t do it that way.” But then what is the way that you do it? And so neither Satoshi nor Peter say like, “Well, what could you actually do?”

Zach: Got you.

Jeremy: And then one other thing I’ll pour a little more cold water on it. This is also something I haven’t confirmed, but Peter Todd himself said it, and a few people in the documentary. Right now, the post has Peter Todd’s name on it, on that post. And that’s because at some point he changed his screen name and we’re looking at the website as it exists today. But at the time that that post was made, he was using a pseudonym and the pseudonym wasn’t like, “This is my understanding from what was said,” it was that it wasn’t strongly tied to his identity. And so if it were a mistake and he realized it was a mistake-

Zach: He could have deleted it.

Jeremy: He could have deleted it and never posted with that again, not come along later and actually changed it to his real name.

Zach: True. Yeah, that’s a really good point. Yeah.

Jeremy: Some people thought, well, maybe it wasn’t completely disconnected.

Zach: Maybe he felt he had to leave it there and it would be suspicious to delete it if there was something tying him to the account. He felt he couldn’t delete it theoretically.

Jeremy: Yeah. Yeah, so it leaves you just with uncertainty. But that’s a bit more color around the issue.

Zach: I’m curious, is it unusual to you that his post was only an hour and a half later and quickly to the next one? I was looking back at the post before that and it seemed like they were regular people. The other thing, it was pretty late at night for what I assume was their time zone. It was like Satoshi’s post was at 12:00 and Peter’s was at 1:30 AM. I don’t know, that’s a little unusual too. But, obviously, computer people are late-night people. He’s young, so it doesn’t mean much in itself. Yeah.

Jeremy: Satoshi, actually, people have done analysis on when he posts. And so there is a sort of time spectrum. And late at night Eastern, we don’t know what time zone he was in either so we don’t know what it corresponds to. But if he were in Eastern Time zone, it sort of looks like someone that maybe worked during the day and worked on Bitcoin at night. And then Peter Todd, I guess was a student at the time and so he might have a similar one. If it had come 30 seconds later or a minute later, that would be very natural. But then you probably wouldn’t have the logout and the login to a new account either. Right?

Zach: Yeah, you make good points. You make good points throwing cold water on it, which is important. Yeah. Getting back to the idea that a lot of times in these cases, I see so many people just jumping on narratives about it is, or definitely it isn’t… But it’s good to be uncertain and to embrace uncertainty. I was curious, is it strange the documentary maker framed it as strange that Peter Todd said that he wasn’t really in the Bitcoin community that early or kind of downplayed his knowledge? Do you think it’s strange, knowing what you know about the technology, that he made such a correction or comment on Satoshi’s post back then when he wasn’t doing that otherwise?

Jeremy: Yeah. There was probably a greater conversation that got cut, so you don’t really know. If someone asked me like, “When did you get into Bitcoin?” It wasn’t like I woke up one day and I went from zero to a hundred. You sort of get involved and you maybe post things. That post would suggest that he understands a lot of the details. There’s a very technical detail called the UTXO, Unspent Transaction Output, and that whole post—the technical premise of that—is based on properly understanding that piece of Bitcoin. And that piece is one of the last pieces that people understand. I teach Bitcoin, so when I teach them or if I give a simple talk, I’ll simplify that model. I won’t go there because… So, it’s one of the last pieces that you would sort of learn. So yeah, at the time he made that post, he definitely understood the protocol quite well.

At the same time, I don’t know what he actually said in the documentary about when he got in. Adam Back was also present in the documentary, and that question also tried to frame that he also was sort of being elusive about how much he knew at certain times. So, I don’t know how much of that was meant for Adam as opposed to Peter or both of them.

Zach: Yeah, and to your point, I often don’t like documentaries because they often do have such bias and it’s such a short format so you often just find that it’s storytelling. Like, people are telling a story so they have to go through dozens of hours or more of footage and pick and choose what they want to show. That’s honestly why I find a lot of documentaries just really misleading when you actually learn what happened. There’s a lot more nuanced compared to what they’re trying to show. So I totally agree with you there. I would love to see the unedited footage, if you ever… And hopefully, you would think he would decide to release that because that’s theoretically more information for people to sift through. I don’t see why he wouldn’t. But yeah, there’s often a lot occluded in a documentary and that’s something you really have to be aware of when you’re watching these shows.

Jeremy: Agreed. Agreed. Peter also tweeted something. He said, “I met the filmmaker four times and it wasn’t obvious what his motive was until the very last meeting.”

Zach: Right. Okay, that’s a good segue into when it comes to the behavior—and I want to preface this by how I often say I find that all these so-called behavior experts, which I’ve talked about recently on my podcast, these people who try to claim you can get all these firm findings from all these different behavioral nonverbal things, I just find that people who claim that you can get a lot of stuff frequently out of nonverbal behavior are just bullshitting you, in my opinion. Behavior is very hard to interpret. 

I thought at this point I could basically read the interaction that the film maker and Peter Todd had in the film. I would include the video but often including video means that YouTube will give you a copyright infraction. This interaction comes near the end of the movie, when the film maker gets Peter and his colleague Adam Back out for one more recording and confronts Peter. I want to emphasize again that, we don’t know how this interaction was edited. It’d be much better to see the original footage. I also want to point out that I might have some minor errors as some of the words were a bit unclear. 

Here’s the transcript of the final confrontation: 

Todd: Satoshi’s last post was like one week after I signed up for Bitcoin Talk, but …

Hoback: Right. And then you disappeared. 

Todd: Yeah. Then I disappeared. (laughs)

Hoback: And Satoshi disappeared at the same time. 

Todd: Yeah. I really should have paid more attention to Bitcoin early on but, you know, I had other stuff to do. 

Hoback: You corrected Satoshi, but it kind of looks more like you were continuing a thought of Satoshi. 

Todd: Well, Satoshi made a little brain fart on, like, how exactly transactions work. And I corrected him on that very boring thing. 

Hoback: Why didn’t you delete the 2010 post? 

Todd: Why would I?  

Hoback: Well, I mean, cause it, it just makes you look like you had these deep insights into Bitcoin at the time and then –

Todd: Well, yeah, I’m Satoshi Nakamoto.  

Hoback: I mean, it’s sort of the last thing you’d expect Satoshi to say. 

Todd: Ah, but that’s it. That’s like the meta level, right? Because I know you’d expect Satoshi Nakamoto to delete the post. You just said, why didn’t Satoshi Nakamoto delete the post? 

Adam Back: The post that was corrected? 

Hoback: Yeah, yeah, the correction post. 

Todd: Right? But then I did the next level of meta. And then didn’t delete the post to throw off people like you. 

Back: Yeah,  I don’t know. You’re feeding him, like, footage that’s just gonna be…

Todd: Oh, it’s gonna be great.  

Later on in the documentary it returns to their interview.

Hoback: So here’s what I think happened. Possibly. 

Todd: Possibly. 

Hoback: Okay. I think that John Dylan was created, so that you would have an excuse to make ReplaceByFee, a concept which you had envisioned years earlier, but you needed some kind of cover in order to make. And you also needed some cover for that 2010 post. 

Todd: 2010 post. Yeah, because I was Satoshi? 

Hoback: I mean, yeah. You know, you’re very concerned about all the privacy stuff, uh, so you reach out to your old buddy Adam Back, who said, we need to do something about this, but we need to pay the devs. But you can’t join Blockstream because it would look too, uh, suspicious. So, you don’t. 

Todd: I will admit, you’re pretty creative. You come up with some crazy theories. It’s ludicrous. But, it’s the sort of theory someone who spends their time as a documentary journalist would come up with. So yeah, yeah, I’ll say of course I’m Satoshi, and I’m Craig Wright. And yes, I was definitely covering that little bit about, you know, fees to go pretend to be Satoshi. Or not Satoshi, one or the other.  

Hoback: Well, why make up the whole John Dylan thing?  

Todd: Well, like I said, I’m not John Dillon. 

Hoback: Okay. 

Todd: Sorry, I’m not John Dillon. I don’t know who that is. I’ll warn you, this is going to be very funny when you put this into the documentary and a bunch of Bitcoiners watch it. 

Hoback: Well, I don’t think they would be very happy with this conclusion. Because you’re pretty controversial within the community at this point. 

Todd: No, I suspect a lot of them will be very happy if you go this route. Because it’s going to be like yet another example of journalists really missing the point in a way that’s very funny.

Hoback: What is the point?  

Todd: The point is to make Bitcoin the global currency. And people like you being distracted by nonsense can potentially do good on that. 

Zach: Back to the talk…

Zach: So let’s take specifically this example of clearly Peter was uncomfortable. But what does that really mean? It’s like if he’s innocent or guilty, he’s going to be uncomfortable in that spot basically suddenly being set up to be accused of this of this narrative on camera. Anybody would be uncomfortable. So, there’s that element. Then you have to add in the fact that Peter is kind of a troll and a contrarian, and he’s liked to play with the idea that he is Satoshi. So whether he’s innocent or guilty, we can understand why that makes results in a weird behavior dynamic where he’s kind of trying to have it both ways and kid around like, “Maybe I am,” but clearly he’s very uncomfortable by the idea. And you could see why he would be uncomfortable, even if he tries to make light of it. It’s like that’s theoretically a life-changing accusation to be thrown at suddenly. So he’s like even if he was innocent—I guess innocent’s not the word—if he wasn’t Satoshi, then you can see why he’d have all these conflicting ideas that would make him behave in unusual ways.

That’s just to say for this and for many spots where so-called behavior experts sometimes try to get a lot of information, it’s like this is a very complex dynamic and you can imagine all sorts of things running through his head at that moment that make him behave in uncomfortable strange ways that make him say strange things that you’d be like, “Why would he say that?” Right? And especially with this dynamic of people liking to say that they’re Satoshi, that clearly adds another level of weirdness to it. But I’m curious, what do you think of all that?

Jeremy: Actually, this is why I asked you because I wanted to hear your thoughts on it. I have no expertise in reading people or trying to figure out if someone’s bluffing or not. What I do know, though, is that the filmmaker was promoting his reaction as positive evidence that he was Satoshi so he tweeted some things to that effect or retweeted other people saying that he sort of talked a bit about… One thing I thought was good is he said in an early interview that he didn’t think the case could be solved just by internet facts. Like, “Everyone’s poured over everything you can learn online and so I’m going to go and meet people face to face and just see where it goes and I’ll get their reactions. And that’s what I can do sort of as a documentary filmmaker that a lot of other people wouldn’t do or couldn’t do.”

Zach: Yeah, I saw one tweet the filmmaker made where he was pointing to Todd looking at—what’s his name? His mentor.

Jeremy: Adam Back.

Zach: Adam Back. And making the point that Todd seemed to be looking at Back as if he was a father figure who he needed support from and that was evidence that he was looking to this guy who helped him maybe hide his identity and were looking to him for support. That’s not conclusive. That’s not any sort of evidence for anything, because like I said, there’s reasons for Peter to be uncomfortable and you would look to somebody else for support and be like, “What do you think of this stuff?” That, to me, doesn’t mean much. 

Zach: A note here: I made a mistake; that tweet wasn’t from the filmmaker but was from someone else responding to the filmmaker. But the point remains that many people were reading into Peter’s behaviors in various ways…

Zach: So yeah, I think we have to be very careful with not seeing what we want to see. Clearly, the filmmaker was painting a narrative that he believes. So we have to be very careful to not see what he’s telling us to see and then read in our interpretations of like, “He seems uncomfortable. He said something weird. I’m going to use that as a reason to highly trust this story or this accusation.” Right? I just think that for all these reasons, we really need to work against our desire for certainty or our desire to believe a narrative that someone else has told us. I think in the political realm and our personal lives, there’s all these narratives that we can find ourselves embracing that have much more nuance behind them.

But we like a simple story and we’re going to embrace that and then we’re going to use that belief in that narrative to filter for reasons for why the behavior adds up and for some reasons to believe that narrative. So yeah, I didn’t see anything. I might add more thoughts later. I think one thing that was clear was Peter seemed quite defensive and didn’t seem to really directly defend himself very well, but then you add in the fact like on the other hand, he’s being accused suddenly, he’s probably not making his best in the moment. He’s clearly somebody that has liked to play with the idea that he could be Satoshi so he’s not really going to feel the need to defend himself that strongly because he doesn’t want to sound defensive too. So for all these reasons, whether he is Satoshi or not, you can understand different reasons for why he behaved the way he did. That was my takeaway from that interview scene. Yeah.

Jeremy: Yeah, that’s great. I love that analysis. I think it probably did catch him off guard.

Zach: Yeah, I think so. He seemed very uncomfortable. Yeah.

Jeremy: Yeah. And Adam back, too, there was an earlier scene where they were sitting on the bench and he kind of did the same thing with Adam Back and Adam Back was like, “Oh, I was hoping that you wouldn’t ask me about Satoshi, because I’m not.” It felt like they had sunk a lot of time together and then he was getting around to the Satoshi question, almost kind of sabotaging it at the end, and so I don’t know if that happened with Peter but based on his tweet of doing about four recording sessions before understanding that that’s what the film was about, it was probably just a surprise question.

Zach: Right, a purposeful ‘gotcha’ kind of moment to put him on the spot, which I think is pretty clearly what he was trying to do. Do you have any other thoughts on the whole thing? One thing I’m curious about is say it came out that Peter was definitely Satoshi or definitely not Satoshi if it was proven to be somebody else, would you be that surprised either way with what you know, or do you just have an uncertainty range of it could be, it could not be?

Jeremy: I think I would be a little surprised that it was him. I just feel like the personalities don’t match. Now, maybe if he’s pretending to be Satoshi, the theory of the film is that he wouldn’t be taken seriously because he was so young and so maybe he’s adopting this persona of sort of more mature and stately and those types of things. But their personalities really seem quite different. That would be the piece that would sort of surprise me. But everything else could fit. I mean, he has the technical capability. He’s smart enough to have done it. The fact that his age was so young also doesn’t… There’s lots of people that have invented things in computer science as teenagers that were quite remarkable. So, yeah. But anyways, I would be surprised to learn that it was. And he could prove it, if he was Satoshi, that’s a provable thing. Satoshi has these keys that more or less he knows. If Peter Todd somehow knew them and was able to use them, he at least got them from Satoshi or someone who knew Satoshi, whether he is Satoshi. But you can’t prove a negative, so you can’t prove that you’re not.

Zach: Unless somebody else was proven somehow to be him.

Jeremy: Yeah, sure.

Zach: Accounting for the personality differences in the posting styles, do you think that could be… I mean, theoretically, if Peter Todd was Satoshi, could it be a factor of Peter basically working with Adam or somebody else to finesse this public image like it could be a group effort would help explain differences, and then they would do their best to remove any identifying language markers and things like that?

Jeremy: Yeah. The group hypothesis for Satoshi’s loaded and a lot of people think it could have been a group. I think it’s too complicated. Satoshi stuck around for a year or a year plus answering questions, and the idea of having two people do that is too complicated in my mind and you don’t remember who answered what. And the person who was answering, they answered questions about every aspect of the system. So they knew, in a consistent voice, they knew the system inside and out. So the simplest explanation is just that it’s one person.

Zach: Also, the kind of not professional-level coding would lend support that it was one person, probably. Right?

Jeremy: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Satoshi wasn’t a superhero. He did something remarkable—like Bitcoin is a big technical achievement—but he wasn’t perfect across the board. His code wasn’t perfect. Even the idea, it was a unique combination of ideas, but it was existing ideas. It wasn’t invented completely from scratch. And so yeah, he’s not like a God-like figure.

Zach: Right. Two or more people would probably have resulted in better code and saw things that he wouldn’t have seen if he was one.

Jeremy: Yeah. But then you get into inconsistencies because like the one person that coded the one aspect, there’s a question about it. So that person has to answer that question and then the other person has to answer the other questions, and so you have this split personality that would emerge with all the emails and the forum posts and things like that. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but it’s a much simpler example. And the only reason that people want it to be a group is just because they think it’s too big for one person. But my suggestion is that it’s not too big for one person.

Zach: Yeah. Okay, getting into the realm of the vibe of the documentary, how do I know you’re not running interference for Peter Todd and you weren’t hired by… I’m just mostly kidding here. [chuckles] That’s kind of a humor… I thought that was a humorous way. Maybe you’re working for Peter Todd or maybe you’re working for the government, the CIA, you know? [chuckles]

Jeremy: Yeah, the whole CIA thing was interesting because there was no logic to it, but they kept coming back to it. Like, maybe Peter worked for CSIS—which is our CIA in Canada—and, oh, Satoshi was mad that Gavin Andresen went to the CIA and talked about Bitcoin. And then there was this other persona that was invented that was like a government agent. Oh, sorry, sorry, no one knows this John Dillon. So maybe Peter invented John Dillon or it was a real person. And so it was like he was kind of trying to paint this intelligence into Satoshi’s story and into Peter’s story, and then somehow you were supposed to just think that that somehow leads to evidence that Peter is Satoshi. But there’s no logic to it. It’s just association, right?

Zach: Right. Again, that’s what I didn’t like about the documentary and a lot of documentaries in general. I would have liked to see the things that we’re talking about in here more in the movie. Like, what are the arguments against this as opposed to just like, “I’m going to paint my narrative.” Right? Or at the very least, nod to the fact that there are a lot of ambiguities and uncertainties and tell people where to find those ambiguities and uncertainties at the end. I feel like that kind of approach to documentaries is much more responsible than like, “I have this narrative, and even though people can clearly disagree with me, I’m going to paint this picture of why you should believe my narrative.” Yeah, I would have much rather seen some of the arguments that we got into in this talk in the movie. Right? But there is this incentive to create the grand narrative for these documentaries because it’s like that gets attention and that gets people talking. So I think even if I don’t know what the filmmaker really believes, but even if he had a lot of doubts about his suppositions, there is an incentive for him to draw those conclusions in the documentary to get people talking and to spark debate and get attention and make money. I’m not saying that’s why he did it, but I’m just saying there are those incentives and I think we need to draw attention to those and draw attention to the uncertainty more.

Jeremy: Yeah, a hundred percent. I think that was the one piece that was missing was some critical thought about it. And then the other piece which I think someone brought up on Twitter too is that he didn’t really go back and interview family and friends and people that would have known him at that time. And this is in contrast to some of these other Satoshi… This isn’t the first documentary to suggest the name for Satoshi. There’s probably been 10 newspaper articles. One of the most famous was Dorian Nakamoto. This was—was it  Newsweek that did it? I have it written down here. Yeah. Sorry, it was Newsweek. I actually listened to a podcast recently with a reporter who reported that story. I was wondering if did she change her mind? Because nobody believes it. In fact, I think in this documentary, they make fun of it too. I might be misremembering that. And she does. She still sticks to her guns. One thing she said is, “I just talked to his family so much. I talked to the parents and the siblings and no one could really account for what he did and he was always very secretive about work.” I didn’t find the reasons conclusive, but at the same time, she put a lot of effort into trying to interview people and try and understand the context of where that person was at that particular time. I didn’t see any of that. Maybe it didn’t make it into the film, but it seemed like there was this confrontation. And they talked to Adam Back but they sort of got to Peter Todd via Adam Back, but they didn’t talk to anybody else who knew Peter or did any sort of investigation of what his life was like at that time.

Zach: Yeah, I would really like these documentaries to end with like, “Go to this URL to see resources and counter arguments.” Right? That would be a responsible thing. I mean, especially if you’re making accusations that are life-changing about people. Show people where to go to or show whether there’s some nuance and more information and do your own looking at it or whatever. But yeah, it disappoints me that more documentaries don’t do that.

Jeremy: And then to answer your early question, there is no way I can prove that I’m not running interference for Peter or anything like that, but I do have a pretty long history working in this space and you can see that I have lots of publications and books. I even talk a little bit about Satoshi and we wrote a textbook—or some colleagues at Princeton University wrote a textbook on Bitcoin and I wrote the forward to it and I talk a little bit at the end, and so this is a question that I’ve been interested in long before I ever met Peter Todd way before this documentary came out. So, yeah, that’s my defense.

Zach: And to be clear, I was kidding with that.

Jeremy: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Zach: Yeah. I do want to thank you, Jeremy, because this is something that was interesting. I actually watched the end of the documentary twice because it was so interesting and it’s something I probably wouldn’t have looked at for a while if it wasn’t for you reaching out. So, I just want to thank you.

Jeremy: Yeah, pleasure. I thank you also for looking at it. I think you’re well-positioned to comment on, and particularly, the sort of behavioral stuff at the end.

Zach: Thanks, I appreciate it. 

Zach: That was a talk I had with cryptocurrency expert Jeremy Clark. 

A couple more thoughts about Peter Todd’s behavior in the movie: Some people were reading a lot into Peter’s meta-level stuff, like when he was like “If I were Satoshi, I’d know you’d think that so I’d do this.” To me, it’s entirely believable that someone like Peter would engage in this kind of meta-level bantering and would enjoy messing with people’s minds, no matter if he was Satoshi or not. So to me, that doesn’t mean much. 

Another thing people focused on was Peter getting upset. I myself went back and forth as to whether this was meaningful or not. In the end, I don’t find it a meaningful thing either way. I find it easy to imagine Peter in either scenario, whether he was Satoshi or not Satoshi, reacting in either angry or calm ways. The truth is, as with a lot of behavior, it’s just so easy for people to go down different emotional paths. 

Now clearly there’s a lot of uncertainty in all of this. But I will say that one thing I keep thinking about after that talk with Jeremy is that forum post by Peter Todd: Of course, to be specific, the inputs and outputs can’t exactly match. 

The phrase “to be specific” seems to me to be something that someone says to clarify something they themselves have said. Imagine hearing someone say a sentence starting with “To be specific” and imagine the context. To me, it’s really only a phrase I’d imagine someone saying to clarify something they just said; or else clarifying someone with whom they work closely with, or something. It’s hard for me to imagine someone following up something someone else said with “to be specific.” 

That coupled with the other assorted coincidences strikes me as quite strange. 

But the fact that other people don’t seem to make much of that, from what I’ve seen, makes me wonder if I’m just really off base with my instinct about that language. Maybe it’s simply more of an understandable and normal use than I think it is. That’s totally possible. Sometimes my instincts are quite wrong. But it does make me curious if anyone’s done work to see how common that phrase is when used to correct or clarify another person’s speech. I would predict that specific usage is rather rare.  

I also wondered how often Satoshi followed up his posts with another short thought, versus just editing his first post. If there were almost no instances of Satoshi following up a post with a short clarifying post, that would be meaningful to me. 

Another interesting thing that we touched on was the use of the asterisks around “exactly.” The fact that apparently Satoshi never used asterisks around words is important; you’d think you’d find at least one use of that if Peter were Satoshi. If it’s definitely true that that was Peter’s original post, and it’s known that it wasn’t edited in some way (for example, Peter adding the apostrophes shortly after posting to add a red herring), AND it’s known that Satoshi didn’t use asterisks around words in that way, that all seems like it almost completely absolves Peter for this evidence. If I wanted to show that this accusation wasn’t credible, that’d be what I would focus on. And it’s likely someone has already done this; again, I am not educated in this space and speaking very much as a noobie and speaking very much off the cuff. 

In defending himself in more detail in an interview in Pravda, Peter says the following: 

That claim specifically is especially ridiculous. He’s referring to this post.   [and he links to it]

The thing is, that’s the second post I made with that account, and at the time, the account handle was set to a pseudonym.

If I had actually made that mistake, why on earth would I keep using that account rather than just discarding it and creating a new one? Why on earth would I change the account name to my legal name a few years later? It makes zero sense, and I think Cullen knows this.

End quote. 

Peter’s defense here isn’t very solid, though. For one thing, if Peter knew his pseudonym account could be tied to his real name by internet researchers, he would be incentivized to embrace the account as his own. If he ignored it or stopped using it entirely, that would be incriminating, so he’d have an incentive to lean into it being his as a way to show he had nothing to hide. This is just to say that it’s not a really solid defense, unless there was a way to prove that his old pseudonym account had zero way to be connected to his name. 

But again, as stated, I think this dynamic with Peter is rather unusual and not directly comparable to crime-related accusations. We know Peter may not, at heart, truly care about removing all beliefs that he is Satoshi. There are obvious positive incentives for not removing all doubt; Peter gets noticed, he gets fame. There are downsides, too, but just to say there are also many upsides. Also, Peter may simply believe, as he says, that it’s silly to focus on such things; he may not care about mounting a strong defense. Just to emphasize that the unusual dynamics and incentives in this case make it very different from a case where someone has every incentive to prove their innocence. 

Again, in all of this, I’m not making any confident guesses. I am only just dipping my toe in these waters. I realize that, as an amateur in this area, I’m very much at risk of reading too much into what might be small pieces of evidence. But I thought some people would be interested in seeing some of the back and forths and thoughts I and Jeremy had about this. 

Thanks again, Jeremy Clark, for reaching out with this idea. 

Thanks for watching.


5 clues an online account is a scammer trying to phish you for personal info

On the Nextdoor app, a fake account succeeded in getting some personal info from me before I realized they were a scammer. I discuss how that scam went down, share an audio call I had with the scammer, and give some tips for spotting online scammer behaviors and traits. These tips are focused on online marketplace scams but should be applicable for a lot of online scammers in general. 

Episode links:

Other resources:


Welcome to the People Who Read People podcast, hosted by me, Zach Elwood. This is a podcast aimed at understanding people better; the things people do and the things people say. You can learn more about it at If you like my work, please hit subscribe and share episodes you like with your friends; that’s how you can show your appreciation for my work and encourage me to do more. 

I was trying to sell some rollerblades on Nextdoor and a fake Nextdoor account succeeded in getting a few pieces of personal information from me: all in all, they got my name, my physical address, and my phone number. They tried to get my email address but I wised up at that point. Scammers can use this personal information in various ways; they can sign up for an assortment of things in your name, including credit cards or government benefits; or they might just sell your personal info on the black market to other more specialized scammers. 

So I wanted to make a video that examines this phishing attempt and then gives you some pointers for how you can quickly spot such scams on your own before sending information to them or worse. 

Just a note that if you’re listening to this on audio, it includes video on YouTube so that might be a better way to consume this one. 

So first I’ll do a quick description of my interactions with this person and you can see what red flags stand out to you. Then afterwards I’ll talk about what I saw as the red flags. 

On Nextdoor I had put up some women’s roller blades for sale for $40 and immediately got a response from an account in the neighborhood named James Harry. Our convo on the app went like this: 

James Harry writes: Hi, is this still available?

Me: yeah

Him: Alright I’m currently at work now text me on my number so we can text each other much better +1 (332) 284-7946

Without thinking about it, I texted him. This was our text convo: 

Me: Hi there. I had the roller blades.

Within a minute he replies: Ok… Where are you located for pick up? 

Me: (I give him my address)

Him: Oh, ok. Actually I’m not available in town right now but could tell my brother to help me pick it up with his truck! If don’t mind and for the payment I’ll be willing send the payment through Zelle if that ok. 

Me: Sure. And no rush, I’ll hold them for you

Him: When will you be available for the pickup…? He can pickup anytime before 7pm tomorrow. 

Me: Any time is fine

Him: What’s your Zelle payment so I can add you as a new recipient and send from my business account?

(So this is when I first stopped to pause and realized that he was really rushing this so I got suspicious and assumed he was just phishing for my email address. I texted back): I’ll wait until you pick them up first then you can pay. What do you think of that?

Him: Ok no problem

At this point i was a bit curious what he’d do next so I asked: When could I expect your brother?

At this point he called me. I’ll play that conversation: 

[Audio recording]

Him: Uh, I was just thinking maybe I could just pay you now so my brother can come over tomorrow by 12 to pick it up. Is that okay with you?  

Me: Oh, sorry. You said your brother’s gonna come over?  

Him: Yeah

Me: Yeah. Anytime.  

Him: Okay, so you got Zelle right? 

Me: Oh, you want to pay me via Zelle? 

Him: Sure. I got Zelle to my Bank of America.  

Me: I was gonna wait until your brother picked it up.  

Him: Okay, no problem then.  

Me: So when do you think he’s showing up?  

Him: By 12 tomorrow. 

Me: Well, if you could pinpoint it to a better time, that’d be great.  

Him: What time are you gonna be available? 

Me: I’ll be here, so you just let me know when he’s gonna show up.  

Him: Okay. I’m gonna call you. Because I’m out of town for business. That’s why I can’t pick it up myself. 

An hour later I texted him the following: Hey dawg, any news on that? I got someone willing to pay me $85 who’s ready now. Any thoughts on that? If you can do $90 maybe we can Zelle now. 

Basically I was just curious if he’d jump on the Zelle opportunity even though him going up to $90 for the rollerblades, up from $40, would be a bit absurd. At this point, a few hours later, he hasn’t replied. 

It’s a pretty common phishing attempt; this stuff is pretty common on online marketplaces, whether it’s Nextdoor, Facebook Marketplace, or Craiglist. When selling things online, I regularly interact with accounts I think are fake; when I see some of the more obvious red flags I just ignore their messages, and that’ll be the main way these tips will help you: if you get a sense someone is fake, you can just ignore their messages. Or else, if you’re not really sure, you might just take a more cautious approach; like telling them you can meet them somewhere and do the payment then. When you see signs of a scam, you can just decide to back off entirely or approach things more cautiously. 

So let’s go into detail about a few of the red flags that stood out to me, and these are red flags that are common in many online scams. Just as with the art of reading poker tells, there’s a lot of power in seeing multiple indicators pointing the same way. None of the red flags I’ll mention, on their own, are surefire signs an account is fake or scammy, but when you start to see two or three or four, then you can start to get real confident in your read. 

Speed/rush of reply and interactions: 

When I put up the roller blades for sale, he sent a message immediately about them. The speed of reply on such platforms is often related to them trying to get maximum return on their investment before their account gets shut down. They’re trying to work as fast as possible. 

It’s also true that real people on these apps tend to take a while to reply, in general. People are quite busy and it’s quite rare in my experience that someone replies immediately. It can happen of course, but again, these are just clues you can piece together. 

Then, a day later, when I texted him, he replied immediately via text, also. Honestly the quick reply on Nextdoor should have clued me in, but the quick reply on Nextdoor coupled with the immediate reply via text really should have set off my radar. 

An empty, new, or generic-seeming account

Something I usually check first but didn’t in this case is the person’s account. The account for this person was completely blank. No posts, no information, no picture. Often on Nextdoor people put something about themselves or have had a few posts. So the account being blank and empty is one sign. 

Another clue here is the generic name: James Harry. Just two common American names strung together. 

One of my most popular things I’ve written online was a piece about how to spot fake Facebook accounts. I wrote that after a lot of research I did into fake foreign accounts that were posting political propaganda; my work on that was featured in the NY Times and the Washington Post. amongst other places. 

Depending on the platform, there are all sorts of clues to fake accounts. For example, on Facebook, one clue is that there can sometimes be a name in the URL that’s very different from the displayed name.

Nextdoor apparently still requires people to verify their in-person address before they can create an account, so I’m not exactly sure how all these fake accounts get on there. But there’s a lot on there. Whatever they’re doing isn’t enough; just as Facebook’s policies aren’t enough to prevent a bunch of fake accounts. 

Long story short: Before starting to do a transaction with someone online, it’s worth it, at the very least, to check out their account and see what you see. 

Switching communication methods

When I replied on Nextdoor, he replied two minutes later and said he wanted to switch to texting. He said “Alright I’m currently at work now text me on my number so we can text each other much better”

This should have been another obvious clue to me; it’s related to the rushing aspect of this; he really seems in a hurry to get these $40 used roller blades. But switching channels is mainly about getting more personal info from me; by getting me to text him, he gets my phone number. Now clearly this isn’t a big sign by itself, as often you’ll switch methods of communication to text if you’re closer to a deal. But the fact that this happened so early on in the sales process, and also that he wants to switch to texting even though he clearly is able to respond to me fine via Nextdoor; again, he replied to me within two minutes. All in all, just various clues adding up to be fishy. 

Unusual language choices

Often these scamming accounts are in developing countries, like various countries in Africa, or in the Philippines, or in Thailand. This means the language they use is often awkward and stilted in various ways. But even more valuable sometimes is just people using unusually detailed language in a way that is abnormal.  

Let’s look at some of the language in the texts he sent me. 

For one thing, he referred to the skates as “it,” which is a kind of unusual language choice. He writes “I could tell my brother to help me pick it up with his truck!” Most people would refer to the skates as “them” in the plural. Also, he mentions that his brother will use a truck; that’s also an unusual bit of detail, in that obviously you don’t need a truck to transport roller skates. 

These choices are likely due to the scammer having a templated boilerplate response that he just copies and pastes in as a multi-purpose response. 

Another weirdness is when he wrote this: “ What’s your Zelle payment so I can add you as a new recipient and send from my business account?”

There’s a formal aspect to this language: “add you as a new recipient” and the inclusion of “business account.” 

Now the weirdness here is likely related to bad English skills and also just using some of the Zelle app terminology without knowing it sounds weird. But some of this seems a bit related to what happens in interrogations when guilty people give way too much information about things, and elaborate on things, in a way that innocent people are unlikely to do. Innocent people will tend to just answer things straightforwardly, with minimal words, whereas for some sensitive questions, people who are guilty or who have something to hide can feel compelled to include all sorts of extraneous details; for example, the fact that this guy wants me to know he’s sending this from his “business account”. 

I’m a big fan of statement analysis; deducing things based on the words and phrasings people use. One of my more popular episodes was one of my first ones; a talk I had with Mark McClish about analyzing written and verbal statements. (And an interesting trivia maybe: McClish’s book I Know You Are Lying was the inspiration for me writing my book Verbal Poker Tells, which of my three poker tells books is the one I’m most proud of.) 

Use of Zelle 

I’m usually pretty good about quickly spotting these tells. But in this case, there were a few factors that lowered my guard. For one, I’d been doing quite a few sales online in the past few weeks, so I was used to going back and forth with people via various channels and platforms. Another thing was that I was working online and so was distracted; and that’s how a lot of these things happen; our guard is lowered for a moment, so we give someone some info or click a suspicious link. 

In this case, my suspicions would have usually been tripped at his bare Nextdoor account but in this case I only got suspicious when he was rushing to pay and wanted to send his payment via Zelle. That’s not a common app to use for payment, at least in my experience. I’ve used it with a few people I know but have seldom been asked to use it. I’d assume that he wants to use Zelle because your Zelle is associated with an email address, so that’s another piece of personal info they can get; versus using Venmo, which can just be a handle name. 

And another red flag to me was again just the time pressure thing; he’s clearly in a hurry to get this minor deal done, and wants to pay me immediately, whereas most people will just pay when they show up. So that combined with the Zelle thing was when it finally tripped my sensors. 

Again, I want to emphasize that none of these things on their own are highly reliable tells. But they can be clues to take things more slowly and be more cautious. 

Hopefully this was helpful to you. I’m going to share this video with my Nextdoor community and maybe you can do the same. 

If you enjoyed this episode, you might enjoy checking out some episodes in the People Who Read People back catalog related to investigations and crime. You can find episode compilations at  

Thanks for the interest.


What’s the problem with the Myers-Briggs personality test?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality test is used by many organizations and consultants, but it’s been criticized by many as pseudo-science that’s unhelpful, and even harmful. I talk to Randy Stein, who has researched the Myers Briggs and personality tests in general. Transcript is below.

Topics discussed include: the reasons people object to the Myers Briggs test; the downsides of personality tests that group people into boxes (as opposed to using a spectrum-like approach); the Forer effect, where people often believe that vague descriptions apply to them; the downsides of labeling ourselves and others; how the complexity of a question can wrongly seem like deepness; how Myers-Briggs relates to the more scientifically respected “Big Five” personality traits. We also talk about Randy’s research on political polarization, showing how we can be drawn to being the opposite of a disliked group.

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(Transcript may contain errors.)

Zach Elwood: Welcome to the People Who Read People podcast, with me, Zach Elwood. This is a podcast aimed at better understanding people. You can learn more about it, and see my most popular episodes, at If you like this show, please hit subscribe on the platform you’re listening on. That’s one way you can show your support for what I do. 

Have you ever taken the Myers Briggs personality test? This is also sometimes referred to as the 16 Personalities Test; because it categorizes people into one of 16 personality types. 

I first became acquainted with the Myers Briggs in my mid twenties, when I had a job as a video producer at Comcast Cable in Savannah Georgia. They did a team-building activity where we all took the Myers Briggs test and then talked about that and other psychological stuff. I remember thinking that the questions were quite vague and ambiguous, and I could easily imagine answering them differently depending on how I interpreted them or how I was feeling that day. I also remember thinking the 16 personality categories it lumped people into seemed quite vague, also. All in all, it felt like a non productive exercise to me. 

Over the years I would occasionally hear people talk about the Myers Briggs in work-related situations. Recently I started thinking again about personality tests, and so I wanted to talk to someone who’d researched and written about the downsides and weaknesses of Myers Briggs.

This led me to the social psychologist Randy Stein, who’d worked on a couple papers about Myers Briggs. One paper of his went into several granular reasons for why the Myers Briggs fails from a scientific basis and also just from a practical benefit angle. It also talked about why, despite its rather obvious failings and downsides, people and companies think it’s useful and promote it. 

If you’ve ever wondered, “Why do some people dislike the Myers Briggs so much?”, or maybe “Even if the Myers Briggs isn’t scientifically respected, can’t it still be helpful in some way?”, I think you’ll enjoy this talk. Just a note that this talk is on youtube and includes video; I’ll also put some chapter markers to different topics we discuss in the youtube video description. 

Also, if you have had experiences, positive or negative, with Myers Briggs or other personality tests like the Enneagram, or other ones, please leave some comments on YouTube. 

Randy has also worked on some interesting research related to political polarization; towards the end we talk a bit about his research on that, which was related to how, when we dislike an out-group, we can be drawn to resisting the ideas of people in that group; basically conflict can serve to create an anti-conformity dynamic with an outgroup. 

Randy Stein teaches at California State Polytechnic University in Pomona, California. 

Okay here’s the talk with Randy Stein.

Hey, Randy, thanks for coming on the show.

Randy Stein: Sure, great to be here.

Zach: Maybe we can start with your overall impressions of the overall thoughts on the Myers-Briggs test. And maybe a good way to enter that would be if you were a business—if you were in charge of a business—would you use Myers-Briggs at the business, and why or why not?

Randy: Yeah. To take your question literally, if I were in charge, it would be a hard no, although I’m not always the one in charge. I think probably if I can encapsulate everything wrong with Myers-Briggs—and there’s still a lot of different ways you could approach talking about what’s wrong with it—in a nutshell, I would say there’s no such thing as customer service science. And by that, I mean Myers-Briggs is at the very least science-presenting, right? They have this thing that appears to be like a scientific personality test. They have a manual that is written somewhat in the style of an academic paper, there’s result sections that have factor analyses and all sorts of statistics that you would write up if you’re an academic studying personality, they have something resembling a theory behind it. So, they are at the very least science presenting.

But when I say there’s no such thing as customer service science, they’re science presenting but in the end, they are a profit-driven company that depends on keeping customers happy. And if it is at all ever the case that they face a conflict between ‘Should we do what’s scientifically accurate, or should we do what will sell us more stuff?’ it is, of course, the case that they will go with whatever sells us more stuff. And their customers, as with most people in the world, are not necessarily experts in scientific academic psychology so, of course, those things are going to come up all the time. And again, they’re going to make the concessions every time. I think that’s where all of the issues derive from that. Right? Plenty of people who have had all sorts of issues, it’s not ‘How are we going to fix this?’ It’s ‘How can we sweep this under the rug or reframe it in some way?’ And there’s all sorts of issues and we can go into them.

But back to your question. If it were me, I would say, “What is it we’re trying to get out of here? Do we even want to avoid personality tests?” But it’s not me. And to the question of if it’s someone else’s business, the reason why a Myers-Briggs consultant would be hired is because you’re trying to tell some story about making your employees come together. Right? We could talk about management consulting, but it’s often implicit like they’re there for symbolism.

Zach: Right, it’s a way to build team unity or give a nod to team unity. That kind of thing.

Randy: Right. Yeah. So, it’s entirely possible that even if there is zero value to the Myers-Briggs test itself—which I think if I were going to round it to a number, it would probably be zero. If you have a consultant who is skilled at getting people to talk, on that level, sure, there could be value. I would say there’s probably still some… It’s not great to have employees or anyone else believing things about themselves that aren’t true.

Zach: Or other people. Yeah.

Randy: Right. Or even if you don’t have a consultant, can you just give your employees the Myers-Briggs test? Or, like the company I used to work at, make up your own Myers-Briggs test because the official one costs money? Will that get them talking? Sure. And that could be beneficial in some way.

Zach: Right, just talking about it.

Randy: Right. So if you’re purely at the level of, ‘We need to tell a story. We need to show our bosses that we did something to help our employees come together,’ yeah, it could do that. But that’s really more like we’re trying to save it and justify it rather than starting with, “What is this thing? Does it actually do what they say it is?”

Zach: Yeah. It kind of reminds me I was talking to somebody about astrology and they were saying similarly, you could imagine benefits from just talking about astrology in the sense of it can help somebody become more aware of how people are different like there could be some benefits and you could theoretically see that even as you think astrology is complete bullshit, but it’s like a separate thing from whether the thing itself is valid or… Yeah.

Randy: Yeah. At the very least, totally irrespective of any scientific validity, it takes you on a ride.

Zach: Right, you think about things.

Randy: Right. It gets you thinking about things. Yeah.

Zach: Right, which doesn’t take much. You can think about a very low bar. Many things get you to think about things and can make you think about helpful things. But yeah, so maybe that’s a good way into… I mean, one of the things that surprised me—I can’t actually remember offhand if it was in your paper, which I really liked, or if it was in another paper, I’m pretty sure it was in your paper— about the fact that I didn’t know that you could just choose what personality type you want to have. Is that true about the Myers-Briggs?

Randy: Yeah, essentially. About five years ago, I wrote a paper with a colleague of mine, Alex Swan, where we basically tried to take all the publicly available information that we could at the time on Myers-Briggs and evaluate it as if it is a scientific theory, which, again, they present themselves as such. And one of the things we did was if you’re evaluating a theory, which is something that’s not traditionally taught in undergraduate education, but we basically took that kind of approach and said one of the things that should be true of a good scientific theory is there shouldn’t be internal contradictions. It shouldn’t say that both X and not X are true. And we found that if you look at the Myers-Briggs manual, which as far as I know, was written in the late ’90s and is still the manual that they go by today, as far as I know, what they say is you take the assessment and at the end it gives you your type, right? And what they say is if it feels wrong or if you feel like there’s some other type that you associate with, you can just take that. And that’s it. So number one, that’s a great example of customer service science-

Zach: Give the people what they want. Yeah.

Randy: Yeah, that’s literally on the nose. They have this giant manual—hundreds of pages about all the statistics behind, supposedly, that it’s a reliable test—even though other people think it’s not. But they’ve spilled a lot of ink, at least, saying that it is. But if you don’t like what it says, you can just change it. The other part of that, which I think is maybe even more telling, to get back to the idea that a theory shouldn’t have contradictions, what they say in their official copy and on their website or at least at the time I looked at their website earlier today—it looks like they kind of backed off this—but what they say is everybody has a true type. There’s this thing inside of you, I guess presumably inside your brain, that represents the true essence of who you are. And then presumably, the assessment reveals it for you. Right? So the contradiction is if they are allowing you to essentially choose your own type, which is basically like if you’re allowed to say, “No, I don’t like the result. I’m going to go with this one instead of that one,” is true type hidden or not?

Zach: Yeah, how much do we know our own true type?

Randy: Yeah! Because if I have the freedom just to say, “Okay, this thing said I’m an INFP but I want to be an INFJ,” and then they say, “Okay, well, that is the real you,” is it hidden or is it just what I think it is? So, those are the kinds of things that we look for. When you start thinking in terms of that evaluating as if it is a legitimate theory, a lot of things start falling apart.

Zach: Yeah, I think that also relates to the limits of self-knowledge and also how much you’re expressing your preferences on those things versus what you really like. Because when I’ve taken those kinds of tests, it’s like I can imagine people choosing what they want to be like versus how they really express in the world. You know?

Randy: Yeah, and that’s an interesting way that they sort of box themselves into a corner. Which, again, from a customer service perspective, doesn’t really matter. But if we’re talking about is this an actual personality assessment, it matters quite a bit. Which is the type, technically—according to their definition—is about your preferences. Not your actual behavior. The questions on the assessment, I would say, if you look at it, kind of mixes it both but they kind of feel like they’re more about the behavior. And, again, that adds some ambiguity because you could have the actions of an introvert but the preferences of an extrovert. Right? You might say okay, if you ask me,

“Do I tend to talk at parties?”


But I feel like deep within me it’s an extrovert way to come out, right? And this is not a scientific theory issue because, with a scientific theory, you’re supposed to have clear predictions. But if the questions are about preferences and the preferences may or may not match behavior, it’s like you’re saying there is a real me. Which is it? Is it my preference or is it my behavior? They just say there’s preferences. But why? You could easily make the case that, well, anybody could think anything about themselves. Your behavior is what really matters and is more reflective of the real you. And they just kind of slide to that entirely, right? Again, from a customer service perspective, that dichotomy, if anything, draws people a little bit deeper into it because you get to think about the differences between my preferences and my actions. But it means the assessment itself doesn’t really say much because there’s that lack of clarity there.

Zach: I’ve also read criticisms of these kinds of things that use firm boxes or boundaries versus a more spectrum approach where it’s like you could have somebody that’s theoretically right around that line and they’re very similar, but for one reason or another, now they’re in completely different boxes, which I thought was a pretty good criticism.

Randy: Yeah. This is a very classic one. And again, this might be my favorite issue of how they just kind of ignored it- not ignored it, but sidestepped it and sort of pulled the rug over it. So, if you take a site class—a social site class or a personality site class—a day one kind of thing is for the most part, everything exists on a spectrum rather than being in boxes. Meaning most personality attributes are traits rather than discrete states, right? Like with introversion versus extroversion, for example, most people are not hard one or the other. Most people fall in the middle. Which is most things in life. Most things in life are normally distributed like that. So this is by definition a problem for sorting people into boxes. And even with the Myers-Briggs assessment, a classic criticism was even with the assessment that they put out, you get a range. You don’t get scores that are concentrated on polls, you get a range of people concentrated towards the middle. So the way they get around that—and again, this is in their manual if you’re reading it as a social scientist, it’s like, “Why are they saying this out loud?” But if you’re reading it as, “Oh, they’re just trying to make people happy,” then it makes perfect sense. What they say in the manual is they just changed the way that it’s scored so that you can’t really score in the middle.

So basically the way this is supposed to work is you have a theory and you test it. If the test makes it seem like the theory isn’t correct, you give up on it or you change the theory. What they did is, “Well, we have this theory that people are sorted into types. We collect the data on it. It doesn’t seem like that’s true. Let’s keep the theory and just change how we score it.” Which is totally backwards. Like, it’s good evidence that people don’t actually sort themselves into types, but we’re still going to keep on doing that anyway and just change the scoring so that that helps do that.

Zach: Got you. Yep. So, am I correct in thinking the Forer effect has a lot to do with this? When it comes to people who say they find a lot of value in these and other personality tests like the Enneagram, when it comes to people who say, “Oh, I really correspond with that,” is the Forer effect related to that in your opinion? And can you talk a little bit about what that is?

Randy: Yeah, I think so. I mean, there’s 16 types and they sound different. Right? Extrovert sounds different than introvert, which the intuition feels different from… What’s it? Analysis?

Zach: Analytic or something.

Randy: Yeah. They sound different, but they have definite descriptions of each of the types. If you read them, they do tend to be worded fairly vaguely. And they tend to have sentences along the lines of it’s describing intuition. It’s like, you tend to be someone who… Like, what is currently going on in the present, do you think about how it applies to the future? And, of course, everyone’s going to say yes to that because you’re just describing how the human mind works.

Zach: Like, “Yes, I’m human.” [chuckles]

Randy: Yes. [laughs] Right. So yeah, they might sound different but when you actually read the descriptions, I think you can reasonably make the case that whatever type it assigns you to at the end, you’re going to be able to see it in yourself. Which is what the Forer effect is, right? If you give people vague statements like, “Hey, sometimes I feel like being outgoing, sometimes I don’t,” people will tend to read that as accurate—which is true because it is true to most people—but they’ll also tend to see it as like, “Oh, something deep has been revealed about me.” Which really it hasn’t because it’s not a very specific statement.

Zach: Right. Which is the same way that they say psychic stuff or astrology stuff works on the Forer effect because we’re… Or con artistry in general kind of works on the same principle where it’s like we think somebody knows something about us based on some vague statements. Right?

Randy: Right.

Zach: Well, and the thing that strikes me there is I can imagine just taking a few hours and creating my own personality test off the top of my head. And as long as I hit upon some of the major points which most people think of like introversion and extroversion, being more analytical versus being more intuitive, or these kinds of broad tendencies, I just feel like if I just created my own off the top of my head and I gave it to people, people will be like, “Oh, that’s really smart. I can really see myself in that.” Which I think gets to how easy these things are to strike chords with people. You know?

Randy: Yeah. One of the things that Myers-Briggs uses to give off the appearance of validity is the most commonly used personality assessment in academic psychology, this thing called The Big Five. And a couple of the dimensions of Myers-Briggs do correlate with a couple of dimensions of The Big Five. The most obvious one is… One of the dimensions of Big Five is extroversion, which does correlate with the MBTI extroversion versus introversion dimension. It’s nice that they do that. But kind of to your point, I feel like most people given a basic definition of extroversion versus introversion, which I think most of us have, could come up with something that would correlate with one of the official measures of The Big Five. I mean, that’s good for them that it correlates somewhat with The Big Five-

Zach: But it doesn’t mean much. [crosstalk] That’s a pretty low bar because most people wouldn’t think of those basic aspects too.

Randy: Yeah. It’s almost a bit of a cell phone because you’re saying we’re legitimizing ourselves by saying, “We correlate with The Big Five a bit, so just use that.” Especially given like that so you can just take that for free. I guess there’s all sorts of bootleg versions, but the official one costs like 60 bucks for an individual to take. Why bother going through that when there’s better options for free?

Zach: Yeah. Another thing that you’ve worked on is the idea that when you tell people something kind of complex and difficult to understand, that they’re more likely to think it was meaningful. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Randy: Yeah, this was like an offshoot of our work on the Myers-Briggs. So, about… Oh, this must have been seven or eight years ago. The BuzzFeed YouTube channel posted a video where some of their employees took the Myers-Briggs test and what I thought was really interesting about that is one of the guys in the video, for the BuzzFeed fans, it was the guy who went on to be Eugene in The Try Guys, if you know The Try Guys. I mean, his name is Eugene so he was Eugene throughout the whole thing, but he was later one of the Try Guys. So they’re taking the Myers-Briggs assessment and Eugene says at one point, “I’m surprising myself with my answers to these questions,” as if to say, “And this makes me really interested to see my result.” Right? Like, “I’m feeling myself going through thinking about myself as I’m answering these questions, so I’m interested in the result.” I thought it was kind of interesting because he was picking up… If you look at the Myers-Briggs assessment questions, if you know a bit about designing these kinds of scales, they’re actually not all that great. Some of them are actually pretty confusing. They ask you to choose between words that aren’t really opposites and you can choose one or the other. Difficult questions in these kinds of assessments is actually bad. You don’t want people wondering what you’re trying to say.

Zach: Yeah, because that’s more room for ambiguity and misinterpretations.

Randy: It’s more room for ambiguity. Right. You want people interpreting things about the same way, right? The Big Five items tend to be much more straightforward. It’s just like, “Hey, do you… I seldom feel blue. I insult people. I don’t talk a lot…” They’re much more straightforward. So I thought what was interesting was he’s picking up on that difficulty, which should be a bad thing, and include that like maybe there’s something wrong with this assessment. But he was flipping around as like, “No, no, no. This is a sign that’s really getting at something.”

Zach: That’s deep!

Randy: Yeah. Yeah. So we did a bunch of studies based on that premise and we used—we didn’t use the official Myers-Briggs, we used a competitor to it that’s called the KTS, Keirsey Temperament Sorter—and we made up our own assessments that were like BuzzFeed quizzes where it’s like, “Which color describes you the most?” And what we found was the more difficult we made the questions… We did that basically by adding ambiguity. So, a low ambiguity question is, “What color of car do you prefer? Green or blue?” A high ambiguity question, which actually we took from a BuzzFeed quiz, was, “Which color between green and blue best describes Tuesday?”

Zach: It’s almost like a Zen Koan approach to it. Like, the more Koan it is, the more deep they might seem.

Randy: Yeah. I think the intuition is the more unrelated to personality the question seems, the better it must be. But, of course, it’s the opposite. That’s what we found. The harder we made the questions, even if we made them nonsense, people would pick up on the difficulty and they would associate that difficulty with depth. Meaning the harder it is, the more I think this is getting at the real me. Right? Which, again, if you know how to design these things, is the total opposite. The more ambiguous it is, the more noise that you’re getting. You’re not really reading much of anything. So yeah, at least some of the experience of taking the Myers-Briggs assessment is picking up on that ambiguity and thinking that, “Oh, because I’m not really sure what the answer is here, it must really be getting at something really deep down inside.”

Zach: It makes you think I’m exploring some unknown parts of myself or something. It has that appearance or can feel like that.

Randy: Yeah. Which, to go back to your first question, that kind of thing as a conversation starter, sure. Right? Like, if I asked you, “Hey, which do you think is more you? Breakfast or lunch?” Even when I raised that question to myself, I feel myself starting to think about it.

Zach: It’s like a good party game or a date kickoff or something.

Randy: It’s a good way to start talking about like, “Hey, what kind of food do you like? Or what’s your daily routine like?” You might eventually get to something meaningful. But that initial question is not a good personality assessment question on its own.

Zach: That’s what strikes me about these things, too, when I’ve taken them. And then just in surveys in general, I see so many badly designed questions where I see so much room for ambiguity and different interpretations and I’m like… That’s always what strikes me as somebody who’s a writer and interested in that. I just always see so much room for ambiguity and I’m like, “I could totally imagine interpreting this question in a totally different way,” which gets to your point about ambiguity and such things.

Randy: Yeah. I design these kinds of things all the time and do experiments all the time. It’s hard to write a question that has no ambiguity.

Zach: Yeah, even impossible. But you can get less or more. Yeah.

Randy: Yeah. But to lean into it is not what you want to be doing.

Zach: Right. Maybe let’s talk about the downsides of this. Because I think a lot of people are like, “Well, if it helps you have better conversations, if it helps you have those conversations and think about things more, it can be valuable.” But I think, to me, the major downside I see is thinking in terms of labels, whether it’s labels of ourselves or labels of other people, I just see so much harm in labeling ourselves or labeling other people as opposed to trying to analyze what the context is and giving people and yourself room for getting outside these boundaries that we assign. And that to me is what bugs me about these kinds of tests because I don’t think of myself in terms of labels, I don’t think of other people in terms of labels. People can change in major ways and such. Do you have things to add to that and what bugs you the most?

Randy: Yeah. So, the labeling is a problem for a couple of reasons, and one is as we discussed. If you’re artificially putting people into boxes when really everything is on a spectrum, the label might just be wrong. Period. But also there’s this illusion of explanation. And by that, I mean in personality psychology, there’s this longstanding debate over ‘Is personality causal?’ If I call you an introvert, have I said something about what causes your behavior or have I just described it right? Are you quiet at parties because you’re an introvert, or when I call you an introvert, am I just describing that you tend to be quiet at parties?

Zach: And that introversion could be caused by many different factors underneath, but present in similar ways.

Randy: Yeah. There’s a great example that [inaudible 00:30:21] is like, when we say a car is reliable, when we talk about the reliability of a car—so that means a few things. It means it tends to turn on, the brakes work, the gas pedal works… But there is no one thing in the car where we say, “There is the reliability.” Reliability is an end description, it’s not a causal force. And a personality, it could be the same thing. We might have this illusion of, oh, when I’m calling someone extroverted or open-minded or whatever else, I’ve explained who they are. But now I’ve just condensed it into a single word, which is useful maybe, but I haven’t necessarily explained anything.

Zach: Yeah. And then there’s the aspect of, you know, say you label yourself as an introvert and then you’re more likely to… You know, some people will use that as an excuse to not push the boundaries of what they’re capable of and they’ll be like, “Well, that’s just who I am.” It can be a crutch for certain types of those labels that we give to ourselves. That’s what strikes me about some of these things where it’s like, “Well, I just won’t try to do those things because I know that I’m like this,” where it’s like maybe you’re not like that and you’re bounding yourself in. Also, the way I’ve seen people talk about it used in the workplace and such where it’s like, “I’m going to approach them for these reasons,” where it’s like maybe you’re not giving them enough credit, maybe you should just think about how you would feel in their shoes. It can be a little limiting in terms of thinking about full complexity with people, I feel like.

Randy: Yeah. And, again, if you take what the Myers-Briggs manual says super literally, it’s hard to escape that conclusion. Right? It’s revealed the real you, so how much can you really fight it?

Zach: And they say—correct me if I’m wrong—but do they say you basically don’t change, or do they say you can change the Myers-Briggs?

Randy: Yeah, they say… I definitely see something like if you’ve taken the assessment earlier in life, you don’t need to take it later.

Zach: Oh, really?

Randy: Yeah.

Zach: Because I’ve also seen people say that you can take it over time, and based on just how you’re feeling, you’ll get different results too. [crosstalk]

Randy: Yeah. Right. One of the classic problems with it is… So, a personality is supposed to be reliable. Meaning if I take it on Monday and I take it on Friday, I should get the same results. Folks who have looked into this say that with Myers-Briggs, that that doesn’t work that way. They say it does. It’s kind of hard to know what’s real and what’s not on that. But either way, they do at least imply that it’s supposed to be stable over time. If it’s a true type that you’re born with, it would be weird to be like, “Okay, but by the way, it changes when you’re 50 or whatever.”

Zach: Yeah. I wonder if they get into it as a way to defend it where they’re like, “Well, if you had actually tried a little bit harder when you took it, you would have got your true type. But you’re not taking it seriously enough so it keeps changing when you take it.” You know? Something like this where it’s like they’ll put the blame on somebody for not really trying hard enough to take it. I don’t know. But I would imagine that’s maybe a strategy. And I did happen to notice after I looked at your work on personality tests, I happened to notice that you’d also worked on some political polarization-related things that interested me because I’ve worked on that myself. I’ve actually been working on that kind of thing full-time over the last year. But yeah, you had a paper that talked about the tendency for people to resist the opinions of groups that they morally oppose or dislike. Can you talk a little bit about that research? The thing that interested me there as somebody who thinks a lot about polarization and how we come to these divergent opposed narratives is—and I talk about this in my polarization books about how we can be drawn to being unlike people that we dislike, the groups that we dislike, which kind of has this polarizing force for all of these issues and beliefs that get aligned on either side. Maybe you could talk a little bit about your research there and how you view that kind of pressure to not be like them or something.

Randy: Yeah. The finding there was basically we have this instinctive, automatic, I guess you could say almost repulsion to the views of people that we morally dislike. Even for things that don’t matter, like if we hear what their favorite ice cream flavor is.

Zach: Minor things. Yeah.

Randy: Yeah. To go into it a little bit more, the prevailing opinion in social psychology at the time was people are intuitively cooperative. For evolutionary reasons, we tend to go along with one another and that’s kind of helped us with teamwork and helped us help the species survive. When you put people under time pressure and when people are playing games where they can either cooperate or compete with one another, if you put them under time pressure, they tend to be more cooperative rather than more competitive. So I thought okay, maybe. But what if it’s people who you morally despise? Will that intuitive cooperation still be there? So basically I did a couple of studies where I trained people to understand their automatic reactions. In psychology, there’s this thing called the Stroop test where you see a word on the screen and you have to say the color that the ink is printed in. So if it’s the word red printed in red, it’s really easy. If it’s the word red printed in green, and you have to say green, that takes you like a second because you have to suppress the urge to say red. So basically I put people on the Stroop test and said, “Do you feel that? That’s this thing called action and it’s you fighting your instincts.” Then this other thing where I gave people a bunch of preferences, like, “Hey, what’s your favorite ice cream, chocolate or vanilla?” That kind of a thing. And I said, “Oh, by the way, this was before the 2016 election. Oh, by the way, Trump supporters prefer chocolate.” Right? And then I asked people, “Tell me what your favorite is again.”

And it turned out that when you morally disagreed with the group—so if I tell you Trump supporters prefer chocolate and this is 2016, you’re a Hillary supporter, basically, people feel the automatic urge to now say the opposite, even though I’m just asking them to say their own thing again. That was kind of the point there. People, maybe in general, are intuitively cooperative. But if it’s a group that we don’t like, it’s intuitively the opposite. We feel that automatic pressure to distance ourselves, like you said, even for things that don’t really matter.

Zach: That’s a great one. I mean, it’s actually really interesting because I had been looking for research like this. I’d seen some other ones, but not as direct as yours. And I was actually trying to… I put some things like that in my book, but it’s funny that I just happened to contact you from the Myers-Briggs thing and you’ve worked on something that I was actually looking for in that research and I couldn’t find it before. Thanks for coming on, Randy. This was an interesting conversation, and thanks for your work and your time.

Randy: Yeah, my pleasure.

Zach: That was a talk with the social psychologist, Randy Stein, who teaches at California State Polytechnic University in Pomona

If after hearing this, you wonder, “If I shouldn’t do the Myers Briggs and want to learn about personality, what should I do”, Randy recommended that, instead of getting into personality tests, maybe take a class about psychology, or find a short intro to psychology type of syllabus online. In other words, consider if you really need a personality test of any sort and instead maybe just learn about some basic psychological teachings. 

This has been the People Who Read People podcast, with me, Zach Elwood. If you enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe to it, and please let me know what you thought of it in the YouTube comments, if you would. If you have ideas for future show topics, please let me know that, too. 

Thanks for your interest.